

通常,在Outlook中,当您取消在日历中创建并分配的会议时,系统会要求您向与会者发送取消电子邮件。 但是有时,您只想从日历中取消或删除会议,而仍然希望会议在所有与会者都参加的情况下顺利进行。这要求您取消或删除会议,而不必将取消发送给Outlook中的其他人。 本教程将向您展示实现它的一些技巧。


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使用这些高级功能增强您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免费试用并提升您的电子邮件体验!



1.将Outlook配置为 离线办公 状态。

1)。 在Outlook 2010和2013中,请转到 发送/接收 标签,然后单击以突出显示 离线办公 按钮。 看截图:

2)。 在Outlook 2007中,请单击 文件 > 离线办公.

3)。 突出显示后 离线办公 按钮,您可以看到状态栏显示,如下屏幕截图所示。

2。 去 日历 视图。


或者您可以选择会议并按 删除 键,然后跳到下面的步骤5。

4.在弹出 会议 窗口,请点击 取消会议 ,在 行动小组会议 标签。 看截图:

5。 然后点击 发送取消 按钮。

6.现在,取消电子邮件将卡在 发件箱,请转到 邮箱: 查看,然后单击以打开 发件箱 文件夹中。

7.在“发件箱”文件夹中,右键单击电子邮件,然后选择 删除 从右键单击菜单中。

8。 点击 离线办公 按钮再次连接到互联网。 您取消的会议将不会发送给其他人,而只会从您自己的日历中删除。


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Comments (24)
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Cómo mandar un meeting en outlook pero evitar que los invitados hagan modificaciones de reenvío o cancelación.
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Hi Penelope,
The methods memtioned in this article may do you a favor. Please have a try. Hope I can help.
How To Prevent Attendees From Forwarding Outlook Meeting?
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Not sure if this is a new feature but you can simply Open the Calendar Invite and there should be a Drop Down box next to the 'Decline' button. Click that and Choose 'Do Not Send a Response'.
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I'm happy to found this hint. This helped me a lot to clean outlook after wrong file import without bothering my colleagues.
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Der Tip "offline arbeiten" und "Postausgan löschen" ist hervorragend! ☺
The tip "work offline" and "delete outbox" is excellent! ☺
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please, someone can help me??? that doesnt work for me, i have an iphone and i need to do that from my celphone
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Double click into the meeting you are wanting to delete, go up to File and then click on "Move to Folder". Select your deleted items folder. It'll delete it from your calendar and an e-mail will pop up. Just click out of that e-mail. :)
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This doesn't work on Outlook for Mac.
It's completely obnoxious that Microsoft has deliberately prevented people from having control over what emails they actually send. It's not Microsoft's job to set policies on how people communicate.
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well said
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DO NOT check Off line, stay ON line Delete ALL names from To list, add (or re-add) only yours o the To list Send the Cancel You and others will no longer see the meeting No one else will recieve notice Only You wil receive cancel notice.
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Deleted all attendees and put myself in place. Sent the cancel. It removed from my calendar and the notice went directly to my Outlook 2016 deleted folder. Checked the header on my copy of the notice and found it was sent to ALL attendees.
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This worked perfectly! Thank you so much.
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i am using 2013 outlook. is there anyway to cancel the meeting without the attendee receiving a notification of cancellation, I send to my self only the cancellation they still received it :(. is it because i am the organizer and they are attendee and will receive notification??
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Follow same instrutions except : Do NOT Check Offline (instead, do nithing aka STAY Online) When you see the names or ALL in the To field, just delte them, then add just your name THEN Send Cancellation. ----you will be the only one recieving a cancel, no one else will, the meeting will dissappear from their calendars and yours. Done.
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This didn't work from me. It removed the meeting from my calendar, but it still appeared on everyone else's.
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That was the point of the article. The title says it all - "How to cancel/delete meeting WITHOUT sending cancellation in Outlook". There are plenty of other resources online that will tell you how to cancel a meeting for all attendees
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