

在Outlook中,使用多个条件搜索电子邮件的工作会频繁进行,例如,在多个帐户的数千个电子邮件中按发件人,正文内容,主题等进行搜索。 在这里 高级搜索 实用程序 Kutools for Outlook,支持基于多个关键字搜索电子邮件,并支持下次保存搜索查询。 演示

箭头蓝色右气泡 通过单击Kutools>高级搜索来应用此实用程序。

箭头蓝色右气泡 设置多个条件

1.在“电子邮件”视图中,单击 库工具 > 高级搜索 显示 高级搜索 窗格。

2.在 高级搜索 窗格中,您可以先选择搜索范围,然后在其中提供了五个选项 搜索范围 下拉列表。

3.然后,您可以在 高级搜索 窗格。 假设在这里我想找到来自的电子邮件 ,且正文内容包含 评论,且接收日期介于 1/1/2018 to 10/1/2019。 在这里,我将设置搜索查询如下:

1)点击 更多条件 按钮可根据需要逐个添加搜索查询。


<1>在 字段中,您可以使用当前邮件中的电子邮件地址,也可以使用地址簿中的电子邮件地址,也可以使用提取笔  拍摄高级搜索电子邮件4 提取电子邮件正文中的地址。

<2>在 Body 字段中,您可以在文本框中输入要搜索的文本,也可以使用提取笔  拍摄高级搜索电子邮件4 提取电子邮件中所选文本到文本框。

<3>在 收到 字段中,您可以将日期范围指定为今天,本月,上个月等。如果要在两个日期之间指定日期,请选择 定制版 从下拉列表中,然后键入日期。

4。 点击 立即搜索 按钮。 然后所有符合这些条件的电子邮件将列在 清单 窗格。

箭头蓝色右气泡 保存搜索查询

设置搜索查询后,单击 保存当前方案 按钮。

在弹出 Kutools for Outlook 对话框中,键入此方案的名称,然后单击 OK.

从现在开始,您可以通过以下方式重新使用搜索条件: 打开保存方案 按钮以根据需要选择一种方案。


拍摄高级搜索电子邮件13: 当前方案另存为 图标,您可以单击此按钮将当前搜索条件保存到新方案中。

拍摄高级搜索电子邮件14: 创建新场景 图标,单击以创建一个新的空白方案。

拍摄高级搜索电子邮件15: 更多标准 图标,与 更多 条件按钮,单击它可以显示您可以添加使用的所有条件。

拍摄高级搜索电子邮件16: 方案管理 图标,单击以打开 先进的查找方案管理 对话框中,您可以管理创建的所有方案,例如移动顺序,重命名和删除。


Kutools for Outlook - 超过 100 种强大功能可增强您的 Outlook

🤖 人工智能邮件助手: 具有人工智能魔力的即时专业电子邮件——一键天才回复、完美语气、多语言掌握。轻松改变电子邮件! ...

📧 电子邮件自动化: 外出(适用于 POP 和 IMAP)  /  安排发送电子邮件  /  发送电子邮件时按规则自动抄送/密件抄送  /  自动转发(高级规则)   /  自动添加问候语   /  自动将多收件人电子邮件拆分为单独的消息 ...

📨 电子邮件管理: 轻松回忆电子邮件  /  按主题和其他人阻止诈骗电子邮件  /  删除重复的电子邮件  /  高级搜索  /  合并文件夹 ...

📁 附件专业版批量保存  /  批量分离  /  批量压缩  /  自动保存   /  自动分离  /  自动压缩 ...

🌟 界面魔法: 😊更多又漂亮又酷的表情符号   /  使用选项卡式视图提高 Outlook 工作效率  /  最小化 Outlook 而不是关闭 ...

👍 一键奇迹: 使用传入附件回复全部  /   反网络钓鱼电子邮件  /  🕘显示发件人的时区 ...

👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 通讯录和日历: 从选定的电子邮件中批量添加联系人  /  将联系人组拆分为各个组  /  删除生日提醒 ...

超过 100特点 等待您的探索! 单击此处了解更多。

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Comments (11)
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We're looking search upcoming meetings and flag those where the recipient has not yet responded.
From my limited testing of the advanced search, it's only showing meetings that I have not yet responded to.
Anything in the works to do that task, or is it already there and I just missed it?

Thanks, John
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Hey, John Flis, would you mind sending me a screenshot of your search criteria settings? It'll help me better understand the issue you're facing.
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Is there any way to find attached files filtering by its extension ??

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Hi, Edgar, the advanced search feature has not supported to filter attachment by the extension. But Kutools for Outlook's Attachment Manager can filter attachments by the extension. Read more about this feature please click https://www.extendoffice.com/product/kutools-for-outlook/outlook-attachment-manager.html
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Here an attachment, the message apper is this.
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When I try to make a advnced search, when press the button "Search Now", A message appear "Please switch to the mail navigation module before searching" and any serch is made.
Please your supprot
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Hi, Sorry about that. Normally, it will auto switch the naviagtion while you change the search type. You can try to switch the navigation manually to match your search type. For example, if you want to search task, switch the mail navigation to the Task. See screenshot:
Or restart the Outlook, maybe it will work.
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Hi Support / Sunny,

I have emailed the screenshot (with redactions).
Re: Advanced search email and save custom search in Outlook

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Hi, I tried to do an advanced search for two date range. eg 1 Jan 2022 to 31 Mar 2022. The results yielded all entries which contained the numbers 2022 and 31. So I could have some entries which is in Aug 2022 just because the subject line contained the number 2022 or some entries in July just because the body text contained the number 31. Think you get my drift. In fact the native Outlook search using search string received:>= 01/01/2022 AND received:<= 31/03/2022 yield better results. Is there a way to overcome this problem with Kutools For Outlook. Btw, I bought Kutools For Excel and its superb. Cheers Darren
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Hi, Darren, firstly thansk for your support and feedback on our products. I have tested your question, in my version, the emails which contain dates in subject or body won't be searched after setting the date range searching, my setting is like this https://www.extendoffice.com/images/stories/comments/sun-comment/doc-outlook-advanced-search.png.
But I still ported this question to our technical department, if allowed, could you send an email to to show the searching setting and the searching result as picture for us to better realize the problem and solve it? Thank you.
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