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使用vlookup和sum函数可帮助您快速找出指定的条件并同时求和相应的值。 在本文中,我们将向您展示两种方法来vlookup并求和Excel中行或列中第一个或所有匹配的值。




本节中的公式可以帮助根据Excel中的特定条件将一行或多行中的第一个或所有匹配值相加。 请执行以下操作。


假设您有一个水果表,如下面的屏幕快照所示,您需要查找表中的第一个Apple,然后将同一行中的所有对应值相加。 为此,请执行以下操作。

1.选择一个空白单元格以输出结果,这里我选择单元格B10。 将以下公式复制到其中,然后按 按Ctrl + 转移 + 输入 获得结果的键。

=SUM(VLOOKUP(A10, $A$2:$F$7, {2,3,4,5,6}, FALSE))


  • A10 是包含您要查找的值的单元格;
  • $ A $ 2:$ F $ 7 是包含查找值和匹配值的数据表范围(不包含标题);
  • 数量 2,3,4,5,6 {} 表示结果值列以表格的第二列开始,并以表格的第六列结束。 如果结果列数大于6,请将{2,3,4,5,6}更改为{2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9…。}。

上面的公式只能对第一个匹配值的行中的值求和。 如果要返回多行中所有匹配项的总和,请执行以下操作。

1.选择一个空白单元格(在这种情况下,我选择单元格B10),将以下公式复制到其中,然后按 输入 获得结果的关键。



查找和总和 实用程序 Kutools for Excel 可以帮助您快速查看和查找Excel中行或列中的匹配项,如下面的演示所示。
立即下载 Kutools for Excel 的全功能 30 天免费试用版!


本节提供了一个公式,用于根据特定条件在Excel中返回列的总和。 如下面的屏幕截图所示,您正在水果表中查找列标题“ Jan”,然后对整个列值求和。 请执行以下操作。

1.选择一个空白单元格,将以下公式复制到其中,然后按 输入 获得结果的关键。



如果您不擅长应用配方,请在此处推荐您 Vlookup和总和 的特点 Kutools for Excel。 使用此功能,只需单击一下,您就可以轻松地对行或列中的匹配项进行vlookup和求和。

申请前 Kutools for Excel首先下载并安装.


1。 点击 库工具 > 超级查找 > 查找和总和 启用该功能。 看截图:

2.在 查找和总和 对话框,请进行以下配置。

  • 2.1)在 查找和总和类型 部分,选择 在行中查找和总和匹配值 选项;
  • 2.2)在 查询值 框,选择包含您要查找的值的单元格;
  • 2.3)在 输出范围 框,选择一个单元格以输出结果;
  • 2.4)在 数据表范围 框,选择不包含列标题的表范围;
  • 2.5)在 附加选项 部分,如果您只想对第一个匹配的值求和,请选择 返回第一个匹配值的总和 选项。 如果要对所有匹配项的值求和,请选择 返回所有匹配值的总和 选项;
  • 2.6)点击 OK 按钮立即获得结果。 看截图:

备注:如果您要进行vlookup并汇总一列或多列中的第一个或所有匹配值,请检查 在列中查找和总和匹配值 对话框中的“选项”,然后配置为如下所示的屏幕截图。

有关此功能的更多详细信息, 请点击这里.

  如果您想免费试用(30天)此实用程序, 请点击下载,然后按照上述步骤进行操作。


您可以应用vlookup函数以返回工作表中的匹配值。 但是,如果您需要在多个工作表中使用vlookup值,该怎么办? 本文提供了详细的步骤来帮助您轻松解决问题。

通常,应用Vlookup函数只能从一列返回匹配的值。 有时,您可能需要根据条件从多个列中提取匹配的值。 这是您的解决方案。

通常,应用VLOOKUP函数时,如果存在多个符合条件的值,则只能获取第一个的结果。 如果要返回所有匹配的结果并将它们全部显示在一个单元格中,如何实现?

通常,使用vlookup函数只能返回同一行中特定列的结果。 本文将向您展示如何根据特定条件返回整行数据。

通常,VLOOKUP函数在数组表中从左到右搜索值,并且它要求查找值必须位于目标值的左侧。 但是,有时您可能知道目标值,并想找出相反的查找值。 因此,您需要在Excel中向后vlookup。 本文中有几种方法可以轻松解决此问题!



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I need help with a formula. I have 2 sheets to pull data from and calculate the sum of on column with a match to a name.
I.e Name is in sheet 1 D5, the name in sheet 2 is B3 the amounts to calculate which match the name in B3 in sheet 2 is F3 to F32.
I've tried sum index, vlookup, match and so on but keep getting a 0. Can anyone assist with this?
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Hi Marnel Strydom,
I don't know if I understand you correctly: If the name in D5 of Sheet1 matches the name in B3 of Sheet2, then sum numbers in the range F3:F32 of Sheet2.
If so, you can apply the following formula to get it done.
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I have a multi sheet spread sheet keeping track of job hours. I have used VLOOKUP in succession to sum all the hours on multiple sheets and it works great... Until it gets to a sheet that does not contain the lookup value. I have searched all over for my issue, and VLOOKUP may be the incorrect solution. I was wondering if I could rattle anyone's brain to make this work.

I.E. I have 1 excel document with 52 tabs. Each tab is a work week starting from January so WW1 is all the hours FOR sed jobs I did for that week. "joes house 2 hours ; mikes house 3 hours"... WW2, WW3 etc... Until WW52.

This is the function I made to add hours together...

=SUM(VLOOKUP(O30,'WW29'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE),VLOOKUP(O30,'WW30'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE),VLOOKUP(O30,'WW31'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE)) And it works great. But when that job is finished it is not on (for example WW32 tab). Hence I get the #N/A error. so for example, as the previous one works great when I expand the formula to cover all 52 sheets... (EXAMPLE OF NEXT PAGE WIOTHOUT LOOKUP VALUE)

=SUM(VLOOKUP(O30,'WW29'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE),VLOOKUP(O30,'WW30'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE),VLOOKUP(O30,'WW31'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE),VLOOKUP(O30,'WW32'!$A$7:$M$110,{13},FALSE)) I get the #N/A error because the job is not listed on WW32. But I may add hours to that on WW45.

Is there a way to make VLOOKUP skip a sheet that does not have the referenced value and continue summing it till the end? I apologize, this may be as clear as mud but I will clarify anything if need be.

I have also tried IFERROR. You can set IFERROR to return text or even blanks, but does not seem to cover summing. I'm looking for how to SUM multiple sheets when some of the sheets do not contain the lookup value. When using IFERROR function, instead of RETURNING #N/A it just returns "YOU'VE ENTERERED TOO MANY ARGUMENTS FOR THIS FUNCTION"...


And that's just 3 sheets.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I have tried with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER as well to no avail.
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Hi Joe,
The methods provided in the following article can do you a favor. Please give it a try. Hope I can help.
How To Vlookup Across Multiple Sheets And Sum Results In Excel?
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1 I want this cells in col B to sum the values in col F7 (today) to say F20. this will reduce as tomorrow it will sum the values from F8:F20 and so on -$19 I
want this cells in column B to sum the values in col F7 (today) to say F10.
this will reduce as tomorrow it will sum the values from F8:F10 and so on

2 Fri 22 Jul 22 -$19
3 Sat 23 Jul 22 -$19
4 Sun 24 Jul 22 -$19
5 Mon 25 Jul 22 -$19
6 Tue 26 Jul 22 -$19
7 Wed 27 Jul 22 -$19 tried with vlookup, needless to say it doesn't work
8 Thu 28 Jul 22 -$19 =L8=(D1-E1)+SUM(vlookup(today(),6,false):F28)
9 Fri 29 Jul 22 -$19
10 Sat 30 Jul 22 -$19
11 Sun 31 Jul 22 -$19
12 Mon 01 Aug 22 -$19
13 Tue 02 Aug 22 -$19
14 Wed 03 Aug 22 -$19
15 Thu 04 Aug 22 -$19
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How can I add multiple vlookups together and sum it up ?

=VLOOKUP(E3,'Waste Process NEW'!N:O,2,FALSE) --------------- for this everything goes fine except that retune valve is only the first one where N column have many values match's lookup values of E3.

using index didn't help and shows #N/A
=SUM(INDEX('Waste Process NEW'!N:N,0,MATCH('Monthly Report'!H5,'Waste Process NEW'!1:1048576,0)))
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Hi tariq,
Would you mind providing a screenshot of your data? Sorry for the inconvenience.
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I just get a #VALUE! when I try to do all matched values, but it works for the first value. Any idea?
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How can I add multiple vlookups together, for example I want to look up from your example Apples + oranges + bananas for January.Is there a way to do this?
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I'm having trouble with a similar formula I feel like I need to use an index but can't figure it out. I'm trying to get the sum but the lookup is based on 2 values. Column D which contains an employee's extension and column I which provides a logout code. The goal is to find the sum of time in column K based on a specific employee (column D) and the logout code (column I).
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Hi Mike,
Do you mind uploading a screenshot of your data?
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Thanks but I was able to get my formula up and running with a sumifs calculation. Sumifs giving the sum of something based on multiple factors. Mine being an employee ID number and a status code.
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what will be the formula to add qty of apple in jan only
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the =SUM(PRODUCT((A2:A7=A11)*B2:I7) is not working with decimal point.
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For me works just fine. Try without separating SUM and Product, it should be =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A7=A11)*B2:I7)
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can one sum things up in a column and not a row?
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Hi Jelly,
This formula =SUM(INDEX(B2:F9,0,MATCH(A12,B1:F1,0))) can help you solve the problem. Please have a try. Hope I can help.
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