

作者:孙 最后修改时间:2020-05-08

这是产品ID的列表,现在我要查找单元格中是否包含字符串“ KTE”,然后将文本“ TRUE”放入其相邻的单元格中,如下图所示。 您有任何快速的方法来解决它吗? 在本文中,我将讨论以下技巧:查找单元格中是否包含单词,然后将文本放入相邻的单元格中。



选择要放置文本的单元格,然后键入此公式 = IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(“ KTE”,A2)),“ True”,“”) 然后将自动填充手柄向下拖动到要应用此公式的单元格。 看截图:

doc如果单元格包含一个单词则等于8 向右射箭 doc如果单元格包含一个单词则等于9


在公式中,A2是要检查的单元格是否包含特定单词,而KTE是要检查的单词,True是要在另一个单元格中显示的文本。 您可以根据需要更改这些引用。


如果要检查某个单元格是否包含特定单词,然后选择或突出显示该单词,则可以应用 选择特定的单元格 的特点 Kutools for Excel,可以快速处理此工作。

Kutools for Excel, 与超过 300 方便的功能,使您的工作更加轻松。 

安装后 Kutools for Excel,请执行以下操作:(立即免费下载 Kutools for Excel!)

1.选择要检查单元格是否包含特定单词的范围,然后单击 库工具 > 选择 > 选择特定的单元格。 看截图:


2.然后在弹出的对话框中,检查 手机 选项,然后选择 包含 从第一个下拉列表中,然后在下一个文本框中键入要检查的单词。 看截图:

3。 点击 Ok,会弹出一个对话框,提醒您单元格中可能包含您要查找的单词,然后单击 OK 关闭对话框。 看截图:

4.然后,选择包含指定单词的单元格,如果要突出显示它们,请转到 主页 > 填充颜​​色 选择一种填充颜色以突出它们。

小费。 如果您想免费试用 选择特定的单元格 功能, 请去免费下载 Kutools for Excel 首先,然后按照上述步骤进行操作。


🤖 Kutools 人工智能助手:基于以下内容彻底改变数据分析: 智能执行   |  生成代码  |  创建自定义公式  |  分析数据并生成图表  |  调用 Kutools 函数...
热门特色: 查找、突出显示或识别重复项   |  删除空白行   |  合并列或单元格而不丢失数据   |   不使用公式进行四舍五入 ...
超级查询: 多条件VLookup    多值VLookup  |   跨多个工作表的 VLookup   |   模糊查询 ....
高级下拉列表: 快速创建下拉列表   |  依赖下拉列表   |  多选下拉列表 ....
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特色功能: 网格焦点   |  设计图   |   大方程式酒吧    工作簿和工作表管理器   |  资源库 (自动文本)   |  日期选择器   |  合并工作表   |  加密/解密单元格    按列表发送电子邮件   |  超级筛选   |   特殊过滤器 (过滤粗体/斜体/删除线...)...
前 15 个工具集12 文本 工具 (添加文本, 删除字符,...)   |   50+ 图表 类型 (甘特图,...)   |   40+ 实用 公式 (根据生日计算年龄,...)   |   19 插入 工具 (插入二维码, 从路径插入图片,...)   |   12 转化 工具 (小写金额转大写, 货币兑换,...)   |   7 合并与拆分 工具 (高级组合行, 分裂细胞,...)   |   ... 和更多

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Comments (21)
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Buenas noches,

Tengo una columna con varias categorías de tareas (administrativo, profesor, etc) y quiero armar la columna siguiente indicando si es x tarea que sea nivel alto, si es otra Medio y así. Intenté con la fórmula SI y SI. CONJUNTO pero no parece funcionar cuando no hay valores numéricos. Vi ejemplos pero con si C2 es mayor que entonces tal palabra...
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Buen día, disculpa, queria ver si me puedes ayudar con una formula.

En una celda tengo una oracion, y quiero que la celda de un lado me escriba cierta letra o palabra cuando en la primera celda tenga alguna palabra.

en la celda A1 tengo una oracion: papa manzana pasta, lechuga.
en la celda A2 tengo: papa manzana, zanahoria, lechuga.

Quiero que en la celda B1 me aparezca la palabra "ensalada" solo porque en la A1 tiene "lechuga"
y en la celda B2 me aparezca la palabra: "arbol" porque tiene la palabra "manzana"

Nota quiero que de prioridad a la lechuga antes que a la manzana
Sino se puede dar prioridad entonces digamos que quitamos la palabra "manzana" de la primera oracion

No se si me di a entender, no se me ocurrio como dar el ejemplo
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Hi, luis, here is a formula may help you.
Take an example for explaining the formula, if cell contains "KTE" then returns "Y", if cell contains "KTW" then returns "T", if cell contains both of "KTE' and "KTW" then returns "Y".
change the reference and the values as you need.
Tip: If you in spanish version, maybe need to change the formula to spanish formula.
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How do you keep this going, if I have 5 other unique labels that need to spit out 5 other unique corresponding phrases?
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Hi, Andy, yes, you need to use 5 different formulas to acheive your purpose.
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kolom satu

kolom dua
andi jaya
adam malik

kolom 3 (hasil pakai rumus)

bagaimana rumus di kolom 3, jika kita ingin memunculkan nama kolom 2 dikolom 3 yg mengandung teks di kolom satu.

saya minta petunjuk dari para pakar excel.

Terima kasih
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Hi, Andi, I realy like to help you, but I cannot read your language, could you login and upload a screenshot to show the result you want? Then I will try to find method to solve it.
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kolom satu kolom dua kolom 3 (hasil rumus)
adam andi jaya
andi budiarto
budi adam malik
dst dst

bagaimana rumus di kolom 3, jika kita ingin memunculkan nama kolom 2 dikolom 3 yg mengandung teks di kolom satu.

saya minta petunjuk dari para pakar excel.

Terima kasih
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If column has text, alpha-numeric & numeric values, using the convert tool does not apply the text values to numeric. Makes sense. Though, how could you configure a IF Vlookup to compensate if a cell has text?
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Sorry, which convert tool you mean? The formula can work correctly whatever the column contains alpha, alpha-numeric or numeric string.
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Question. If I need this formula to apply to two different returns. For example, if a cell contains the word "Senior", another cell would return "32" and if the cell contains "Associate" then the other cell would return 16.
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Here's the formula. Assume there's a list of titles starting in cell A2:

Senior Engineer
Associate Engineer
Senior Engineer
Senior Engineer
Vice President
Associate Engineer
Associate Engineer
Senior Vice Presdent

In cell B2 (or whatever cell you wish to populate with the results), write:


You could check for additional values by adding additional nested IF statements.
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Sorry I cannot figore out the correct formula to solve your problem, you can go to our forum https://www.extendoffice.com/forum.html to place your question, maybe someone can help you.
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Thanks for this. Can this code be edited so that instead of placing specific text beside the source text, it can be formatted to place the text in a different cell?
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i know what u mean. i need this function to.
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Do you mean to extract the text in different cell while the cell contains the specifict text as below screenshot shown?
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Sorry, I do not realy understand your question. Could you give me more detail description?
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How would you write the formula is you have text-text-text and you want to pull the final text? AB-GUFJ-CD if you want to pull the CD?
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Hello, this formula may help you =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A12,"-",REPT(" ",255)),255)), A12 is the text string you use, change it as you need. If it works, please let me know. Thanks.
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LOL ...did you mean True?
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Embarrrassed...yes, I mean true~~, I have rewrote it, thank u for ur remind.
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