

作者:孙 最后修改时间:2020-04-22

在许多情况下,您可能想在Excel中生成随机数? 但是,使用将数字随机化的通用公式,可能会有一些重复的值。 在这里,我将告诉您一些技巧,以在Excel中生成没有重复的随机数。


使用 Kutools for Excel 插入随机数据生成唯一的随机数(简单!) 好主意3

箭头蓝色右气泡 使用公式生成唯一的随机数


1。 假设您需要生成不重复的随机数到A列和B列中,现在选择单元格E1,然后键入此公式 = RAND(),然后按 输入 键,请参见屏幕截图:

2.然后选择整个列E 按Ctrl + 太空 同时键,然后按 按Ctrl + D 应用公式的键 = RAND() 到整列E。请参见屏幕截图:

3.然后在单元格D1中,键入所需的随机数的最大值。 在这种情况下,我想插入随机数而不在1到50之间重复,因此我将在D50中键入1。

4.现在转到A列,选择单元格A1,键入以下公式 =IF(ROW()-ROW(A$1)+1>$D$1/2,"",RANK(OFFSET($E$1,ROW()-ROW(A$1)+(COLUMN()-COLUMN($A1))*($D$1/2),),$E$1:INDEX($E$1:$E$1000,$D$1))),然后将填充手柄拖到下一列B,然后将填充手柄向下拖到所需的范围。 看截图:



1.在上述长公式中,A1表示您使用长公式的单元格,D1表示随机数的最大值,E1是您应用公式= RAND()的列的第一个单元格,而2则表示您要插入随机数分为两列。 您可以根据需要更改它们。



箭头蓝色右气泡 使用 Kutools for Excel 插入随机数据生成唯一的随机数

使用上述公式,有太多的不便要处理。 但是随着 Kutools for Excel插入随机数据 功能,您可以根据需要快速轻松地插入唯一的随机数,这将节省大量时间。


包括适用于Excel 300-2019的2003多种专业工具
30 天免费试用,无任何限制


安装后 Kutools for Excel,请执行以下操作:(立即免费下载Kutools for Excel!)

1.选择生成随机数所需的范围,然后单击 库工具 > 插页 > 插入随机数据。 看截图:

2.在 插入随机数据 对话框,转到 整数 标签,将所需的数字范围输入 文本框,并记得检查 独特价值 选项。 看截图:

3。 点击 Ok 生成随机数并退出对话框。


您还可以通过以下方式插入随机唯一日期,随机唯一时间: 插入随机数据。 如果您想免费试用 插入随机数据, 请立即放贷!

小费。如果您想随机选择或排序数据,请尝试使用 Kutools for Excel 随机排序范围 如以下屏幕截图所示。 它在30天内无限制地提供完整功能, 请下载并立即免费试用。


箭头蓝色右气泡 插入无重复的随机数据


在Excel中,一次只能将一个复选框/按钮插入到一个单元格中,如果需要同时插入多个复选框/按钮,将很麻烦。 Kutools for Excel 具有强大的实用程序- 批量插入检查 / 批量插入选项按钮 一键即可将复选框/按钮插入选定的单元格。  点击即可获得 30 天的全功能免费试用!
Kutools for Excel:拥有300多个便捷的Excel加载项,可以在30天内免费试用。


🤖 Kutools 人工智能助手:基于以下内容彻底改变数据分析: 智能执行   |  生成代码  |  创建自定义公式  |  分析数据并生成图表  |  调用 Kutools 函数...
热门特色: 查找、突出显示或识别重复项   |  删除空白行   |  合并列或单元格而不丢失数据   |   不使用公式进行四舍五入 ...
超级查询: 多条件VLookup    多值VLookup  |   跨多个工作表的 VLookup   |   模糊查询 ....
高级下拉列表: 快速创建下拉列表   |  依赖下拉列表   |  多选下拉列表 ....
列管理器: 添加特定数量的列  |  移动列  |  切换隐藏列的可见性状态  |  比较范围和列 ...
特色功能: 网格焦点   |  设计图   |   大方程式酒吧    工作簿和工作表管理器   |  资源库 (自动文本)   |  日期选择器   |  合并工作表   |  加密/解密单元格    按列表发送电子邮件   |  超级筛选   |   特殊过滤器 (过滤粗体/斜体/删除线...)...
前 15 个工具集12 文本 工具 (添加文本, 删除字符,...)   |   50+ 图表 类型 (甘特图,...)   |   40+ 实用 公式 (根据生日计算年龄,...)   |   19 插入 工具 (插入二维码, 从路径插入图片,...)   |   12 转化 工具 (小写金额转大写, 货币兑换,...)   |   7 合并与拆分 工具 (高级组合行, 分裂细胞,...)   |   ... 和更多

使用 Kutools for Excel 增强您的 Excel 技能,体验前所未有的效率。 Kutools for Excel 提供了 300 多种高级功能来提高生产力并节省时间。  单击此处获取您最需要的功能...


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Comments (17)
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En la parte Genere números aleatorios únicos con fórmulas como hago para ampliar el numero de columnas pasar de 2 a 5 sin repetir los numeros segun la formula que ud puso: =IF(ROW()-ROW(A$1)+1>$D$1/2,"",RANK(OFFSET($E$1,ROW()-ROW(A$1)+(COLUMN()-COLUMN($A1))*($D$1/2),),$E$1:INDEX($E$1:$E$1000,$D$1)))
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Hello. I just found this site, and am trying to figure out best way to assign a new code to people. I'd like to assign a random code for people to use between 1000 and 65000, that does not equal any codes already assigned. I'd also like it to be formatted with 5 numbers (00000), but that's not a big deal if it doesn't take care of that. Any ideas on how to make this work? TIA :-)
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Hi, Janel, why you donot try the Data Validation in Excel? It can only allow whole numbers between 1000 and 65000 to be entered in a cell range.
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Help anyone :-) This one I cannot figure out. At our school we often put together students in groups - 2 and 2 together for a number of working sessions. 9 in this case. There are 18 students (vary) in the class. What I am chasing is a formula that gives me a random result of who should work together in the 9 working sessions without having students meeting each other twice. So I need Excel to give me a result of 18 students spread across 9 working sessions and any student must not be match with another student twice. How the xxxx do I fix that? I have search all over the place for inspiration without luck. Any input is appreciated :-)
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Hi, Anders, you need to list all names in column A, then in column B, apply formula =rand(), then specify 2 as the size in cell F2, now apply this formula =ROUNDUP(RANK(B3,$B$3:$B$19)/$F$2,0) in column C as below screenshot shown
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Hi. Thanks for your reply.
I understand you suggestions, but how do I achieve a setup where all students are assigned to maksimum number of workshops where 2 students are randomly assigned to first one workshop, then the second workshop, then the third workshop etc. etc. and to take this even further a student must not be matched with another student that he/she already have worked with. So when having 18 students I need "the system" to allocate all student to (in this case) 9 workshop (e.g. one workshop per week) and no student should be a student they have already worked with.
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Hi there, did you ever manage to work out a solution to this, I've encountered the same issue. Any help would be appreciated.
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Or you could use a sudoku setup.
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How can I do the same thing with a custom list? Not numbers?
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Your custom list is in Column A. Lets say it has 100 values and it is located in A1:A100

Column B is a counter:
1 for B1 and (B1+1) for B2:B100

Column C is a random list:
RAND() for C1:C100

Column D is a random rank based on the random list:

Column E is your output:

Note: There is virtually no chance of generating a duplicate value on column C since RAND() have billions of possibilities. But, if you really want to erase that chance you can type the following formula at column D2:D100
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I need to create 5000 random numbers 1-90 no duplicates 30 columes I and using the formula =RAND() and =IF(ROW()-ROW(A$1)+1>$D$1/2,"",RANK(OFFSET($E$1,ROW()-ROW(A$1)+(COLUMN()-COLUMN($A1))*($D$1/2),),$E$1:INDEX($E$1:$E$1000,$D$1))) is there way that i could change the formula to extract the 5000 numbers
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Sorry I have no idea, you can place this problem to our forum https://www.extendoffice.com/forum.html, maybe someone can help you.
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After about three hours of trying to completely understand the long complicated formula to generate random numbers without duplicates, I figured out a far simpler formula that has the same results. After you randomly generate the numbers in a column using the RAND() function, You can simplify the formula:=IF(ROW()-ROW(A$1)+1>$D$1/2,"",RANK(OFFSET($E$1,ROW()-ROW(A$1)+(COLUMN()-COLUMN($A1))*($D$1/2),),$E$1:INDEX($E$1:$E$1000,$D$1))) in cell a1 to =Rank(E1,$E$1:$E$50). Then if you would like 50 random generated "unique numbers." you simply drag the formula through column a to cell a50. It is a lot simpler. Thank you for answering my question regardless of the huge unneeded formula. If you did not have this website. I don't think I would have been able to solve my problem. #WAR Jiggly
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Actually, if you have two equal values, rank will give the same value to both. Rank formula does return repeated rank values.
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Manuel Ramirez.

The formula RAND() has hundreds of billions of possibilities, but even so you can use a conditional to not repeat the numbers:
A1 = Rank(E1,$E$1:$E$50)
A2 = IF(COUNTIFS($E$1:E1;E1)>1;A1+1;Rank(E2,$E$1:$E$50)
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Hi, Base on Generate unique random numbers with formulas , How can I specify the starting point of a random number? Let's say I want to random "15 to 30".
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Use RANDBETWEEN() to get random numbers lies between two numbers.
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