
在 Outlook 中快速轻松地定期自动发送定期电子邮件

重复邮件是指应该根据用户定义的设置自动和定期发送的消息。 在outlook中安排重复邮件可能会有些麻烦,通常情况下,您应该创建一个约会,然后应用VBA代码来触发它。 但是,如果你有 Kutools for Outlook,其 安排自动发送 功能,您可以轻松创建多封重复电子邮件,并安排这些邮件按您设置的每天、每周、每月或每年定期发送。

在 Outlook 中快速轻松地创建定期电子邮件


在 Outlook 中快速轻松地创建定期电子邮件


1。 点击 库工具 > 安排自动发送 > 启用 要启用此功能,请参见屏幕截图:

2。 该 管理自动发送计划 对话框弹出,单击 全新 按钮,请参见屏幕截图:

3. 然后,一个新的 想说的话 将显示窗口。 根据需要在标题字段中指定收件人、主题等,然后撰写邮件正文,请参见截图:

4。 然后,点击 Kutools 经常性 > 循环 设置时间间隔,看截图:

5。 在弹出 电子邮件重复 对话框,请指定 重复时间, 重复模式复发范围,请参见屏幕截图:

  • 1)。 您可以根据需要将时间间隔设置为每天、每周、每月或每年;
  • 2)。 您还可以设置重复周期在特定日期结束、第 N 次出现后结束或根本没有结束日期。

6. 完成配置重复消息后,请单击 保存并关闭 按钮,此重复邮件将保存在 Outlook 中。

7. 从现在开始,每次到达指定的日期和时间时,消息都会自动发送给收件人。

请注意: 如果您想在不同时间创建更多重复消息,您只需单击 库工具 > 安排自动发送 > 管理自动发送时间表 根据需要创建其他定期电子邮件。


除了创建新的重复邮件外,如果您想管理已创建的多条重复邮件,您还可以转到 管理自动发送计划 窗口可根据需要编辑、启用、禁用或删除这些重复消息。

1。 点击 库工具 > 安排自动发送 > 管理自动发送计划,请参见屏幕截图:

2。 在 管理自动发送计划 窗口,您创建的重复消息的信息列在列表框中,您可以根据需要选中或取消选中该复选框以启用或禁用重复消息。

  • 全新: 单击此按钮可创建新的重复消息;
  • 编辑:单击此按钮可编辑选定的重复消息;
  • 删除:单击此按钮可删除选定的重复消息;
  • 历史记录:单击此按钮转到 Kutools 日志窗口以检查发送历史记录。


1.如果要禁用此功能,只需单击 库工具 > 安排自动发送 > 启用 取消它前面的复选标记。 并在以下提示框中,单击 OK 按钮禁用此实用程序。


2.勾选旁边的复选框 启用 启用所有规则,或再次单击禁用所有规则。

3.支持 Ctrl 或 Shift 键 选择 多条规则,并使用 右键菜单批量删除 选定的规则。


Kutools for Outlook - 超过 100 种强大功能可增强您的 Outlook

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📁 附件专业版批量保存  /  批量分离  /  批量压缩  /  自动保存   /  自动分离  /  自动压缩 ...

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👍 一键奇迹: 使用传入附件回复全部  /   反网络钓鱼电子邮件  /  🕘显示发件人的时区 ...

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Comments (15)
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I want to schedule sending emails but not all at once, meaning one email should be sent every 2 minutes.
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Hello, Aqib,

I'm not sure if I fully understand your intention. Usually, when an email is scheduled, it's sent just once at the specified time.
What's the reason for needing to send multiple emails?
Have you set up numerous emails to be dispatched simultaneously? If that's the situation, you should arrange a two-minute interval between each. For instance, if the initial email is sent at 10:00, the next one should go out at 10:02, and the pattern should continue accordingly.

Thank you, please have a try!
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"I want to add bulk emails in to that list and they should automatically send, so I can focus on my other tasks."
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I've scheduled emails using Kutools however, they send in plain text and not HTML. how can I send them in HTML format so I can include tables and signatures etc
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Hello, amanda,
Your issue has been resolved. Please download the updated version of Kutools for Outlook from the following provided hyperlink:

Thank you!
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I noticed a few weeks back that my scheduled emails were not sending. I uninstalled and reinstalled to ensure i had the most current version, and am unable to get the emails to send still
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Hello, Alex,
Could you provide the files in this folder C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\ExtendOffice\OutlookKutools\KTORecurringEmail, so that we can check where the problem is?
Thank you!
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Hallo, mit Outlook 365 müsste der Versand auch bei heruntergefahrenem PC zeitgerecht funktionieren?
Schöne Grüße
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Hello, Werner,
This Schedule Auto Send feature will stop work when your PC or Outlook is turned off.
But once your PC and Outlook is on, the emails that have been set the rules will be sent out.
Thank you!
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No it does send send if pc is off
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Hello Poop,

Yes. When your PC is off or your Outlook is turned off, the Schedule Auto Send feature won't work. It means that the auto-emails won't be sent out. But once your PC is on and Outlook is on, the emails that should have been sent will be sent out. Have a nice day.

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Hi, once recurring emails are set up, does Kutools also send them while my pc/outlook is turned off?
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How do I get schedule auto send back.
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After choosing a recurrence date, the tab Kutools Recurrencing  got hidden 
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This feature appears to have vanished? Even the add just before the comments with the images of the two ribbons shows it is no longer there. Don't waste your money on this add-in, it really really sucks.
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