







  • Lookup_value (必填):您要搜索的值。 它必须在sheet_range的第一列中。
  • Sheet_range (必需):某个工作表中包含两个或更多列的值,其中查找值列和结果值列位于其中。
  • Col_index (必需):table_array的特定列号(它是整数),您将从中返回匹配的值。
  • Range_lookup (可选):这是一个逻辑值,它确定此VLOOKUP函数将返回完全匹配还是近似匹配。

点击了解更多有关 VLOOKUP功能.

在这种情况下,我需要在名为的工作表的B3:C14范围内查找值 “销售”, 并在 总结 工作表。

1.在“摘要”工作表中选择一个空白单元格,将以下公式复制到其中,然后按 输入 键。



  • B5 是包含您要搜索的值的单元格引用;
  • 销售 是您要从中查找值的工作表名称;
  • B3:C14 该范围包含查找值列和结果值列;
  • 2 表示结果值位于范围B3:C14的第二列上;
  • 0 这意味着VLOOKUP函数将返回完全匹配项。 如果找不到精确的匹配值,它将返回#N / A错误值。

2.然后拖动 填充手柄 下来获得所有结果。


假设有一个wokbook名称为“ Sales report”,要直接在此工作簿的特定工作表中查找值(即使已关闭),请执行以下操作。




  • Lookup_value (必填):您要搜索的值。 它必须在sheet_range的第一列中。
  • [workbook]sheet!range (必需):特定工作簿中工作表的单元格范围,其中包含查找值列和结果值列所在的两个或更多列。
  • Col_index (必需):table_array的特定列号(它是整数),您将从中返回匹配的值。
  • Range_lookup (可选):这是一个逻辑值,它确定此VLOOKUP函数将返回完全匹配还是近似匹配。

1.选择一个空白单元格,将以下公式复制到其中,然后按 输入 键。

=VLOOKUP($B5,'[Sales report.xlsx]Sales'!B3:C14,2,0)

请注意: 如果找不到精确匹配的值,则VLOOKUP函数将返回#N / A错误值。

2.然后向下拖动“填充手柄”以将公式应用于其他单元格以获取所有结果。 看截图:


Excel VLOOKUP函数通过在表的第一列上进行匹配来搜索值,并从同一行中的特定列返回相应的值。



在许多情况下,您可能需要跨多个工作表收集数据以进行汇总。 本文为您提供了使用动态工作表名称轻松地在工作表中查找特定值的方法。

通常,应用Vlookup函数只能从一列返回匹配的值。 有时,您可能需要根据条件从多个列中提取匹配的值。 这是您的解决方案。

通常,应用VLOOKUP函数时,如果存在多个符合条件的值,则只能获取第一个的结果。 如果要返回所有匹配的结果并将它们全部显示在一个单元格中,如何实现?

通常,使用vlookup函数只能返回同一行中特定列的结果。 本文将向您展示如何根据特定条件返回整行数据。


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Comments (3)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
What does this mean: "Sheet_range (required): A range of cells in a certain worksheet which contains two or more columns where the lookup value column and the result value column locating."?
By "locating", do you mean "are located"?
Would you please rephrase this sentence.

Also, after reading this it is still not clear to me how to do the following:
tell Excel to look in another sheet for a specific pair of values matching two cells in the current sheet, and copy to the current sheet a value of values in another cell.

Specifically, I've got a long list of names on sheet A, and I want to copy all their phone numbers and email addresses from Sheet B, to Sheet A
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
What does this mean: "Sheet_range (required): A range of cells in a certain worksheet which contains two or more columns where the lookup value column and the result value column locating."?
By "locating", do you mean "are located"?
Would you please rephrase this sentence.

Also, after reading this it is still not clear to me how to do the following:
tell Excel to look in another sheet for a specific pair of values matching two cells in the current sheet, and copy to the current sheet a value of values in another cell.

Specifically, I've got a long list of names on sheet A, and I want to copy all their phone numbers and email addresses from Sheet B, to Sheet A
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
What does this mean: "Sheet_range (required): A range of cells in a certain worksheet which contains two or more columns where the lookup value column and the result value column locating."?By "locating", do you mean "are located"?Would you please rephrase this sentence.
Also, after reading this it is still not clear to me how to do the following:tell Excel to look in another sheet for a specific pair of values matching two cells in the current sheet, and copy to the current sheet a value of values in another cell.
Specifically, I've got a long list of names on sheet A, and I want to copy all their phone numbers and email addresses from Sheet B, to Sheet A
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