

我们很容易在Word文档中插入一个链接到其他文件夹,网站,文件等的超链接。 但是,有时,您需要创建一个指向同一文档中特定位置的超链接,那么如何在Word文档中解决此任务?




1。 首先,您应该创建一个书签。 选择将成为超链接目标的内容,然后单击 插页 > 书签,请参见屏幕截图:


2。 在 书签 对话框中,为您选择的内容输入名称 书签名称 文本框,请参见屏幕截图:


3。 然后,单击 地址 按钮关闭此对话框。 现在,请选择您要为其创建超链接的文本,然后右键单击,然后选择 超链接 形成上下文菜单,请参见屏幕截图:


4。 在 插入超链接 对话框,单击 放在本文件中 左边的选项 链接 窗格,然后选择您刚才在“书签”下创建的书签名称 书签 在“选择此文档中的位置”框中的“部分”中,请参见屏幕截图:


5。 然后,点击 OK 按钮,现在,已成功创建链接到同一文档的超链接。


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🧹 轻松清洁: 移开 多余的空间  /  分节符  /  所有标题  /  文本框  /  超链接  / 如需更多拆卸工具,请前往我们的 删除组...

创意插入: 插 千位分隔符  /  复选框  /  单选按钮  /  扫码支付  /  条码  /  对角线表  /  公式标题  /  图片说明  /  表标题  /  多张图片  / 发现更多 插入组...

🔍 精准选择:精确定位 特定页面  /    /  形状  /  标题段落  / 增强导航功能 更多 选择功能...

星级增强: 快速导航至任何位置  /  自动插入重复文本  /  在文档窗口之间无缝切换  /  11 转换工具...

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Comments (13)
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Very helpful! Thank you creator and Steve in comments 😀
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kenapa di pdf jadi tidak bisa ya?
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Why when I update all fields in the TOC, does it delete my hyperlinks within the same word document? The TOC links still work.
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Is it possible to send them to the bookmark as described while also attaching an affiliate cookie to their IP? Maybe have the affiliate offer open in a separate tab and the bookmarked part of the hyperlink take them to where I want within my page? Is this possible? Does this even make sense to anyone?
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Thank you... My requirement is met through this hyperlink tip... Very useful
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Great information - easy to use. Looking at more productivity tools
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this is great, but how to do the same think when linking another document ?
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Yes, I wonder too :)
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This is good feature, in any case, how can the same be done for link to another file ?
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Excellent ! very useful page, bless you all and keep up the good work.
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