

本文,我将介绍如何将帐户的文件夹结构从Outlook导出到Excel文件。 请使用本文的详细信息来实现。




1. 启用Excel并按住 ALT + F11 键打开 Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序 窗口。

2。 点击 插页 > 模块,然后将以下代码粘贴到 模块 窗口。


Dim xExcelApp As Excel.Application
Dim xWb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xWs As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xMainFolderCount As Long
Sub OutlookExportFolderStructureToExcel()
    Dim xFolder As Folder
    Dim xExcelFile As String
    Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xFolder = Outlook.Application.Session.PickFolder
    If xFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xExcelApp = New Excel.Application
    Set xWb = xExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
    Set xWs = xWb.Sheets(1)
    With xWs.Range("A1", "A1")
         .Value = "Folder Structure"
         .Font.Size = 14
         .Font.Bold = True
    End With
    xMainFolderCount = Len(xFolder.FolderPath) - Len(Replace(xFolder.FolderPath, "\", "")) + 1
    Call ExportToExcel(xFolder.FolderPath, xFolder.Name)
    Call ProcessFolders(xFolder.Folders)
    Set xFileDialog = xExcelApp.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
    With xFileDialog
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .FilterIndex = 1
        If .Show = 0 Then
            xWb.Close False
            Set xExcelApp = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
        xExcelFile = .SelectedItems.Item(1)
    End With
    xWb.Close True, xExcelFile
    MsgBox "Export complete!", vbExclamation, "Kutools for Outlook"
End Sub

Sub ProcessFolders(ByVal xFlds As Folders)
    Dim xSubFolder As Folder
    For Each xSubFolder In xFlds
        If xSubFolder.Name <> "Conversation Action Settings" And xSubFolder.Name <> "Quick Step Settings" Then
           Call ExportToExcel(xSubFolder.FolderPath, xSubFolder.Name)
           Call ProcessFolders(xSubFolder.Folders)
        End If
End Sub

Sub ExportToExcel(ByRef xFolderPath As String, xFolderName As String)
    Dim i, n As Long
    Dim xPrefix As String
    Dim xLastRow As Integer
    i = Len(xFolderPath) - Len(Replace(xFolderPath, "\", "")) - xMainFolderCount
    For n = 0 To i
        xPrefix = xPrefix & "-"
    xFolderName = xPrefix & xFolderName
    xLastRow = xWs.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
    xWs.Range("A" & xLastRow) = xFolderName
End Sub

3. 仍然在 Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序 窗口中,单击 工具 > 参考资料参考-Project1 对话框,然后检查 Microsoft Excel对象库 选项从 可用参考 列表框,请参见屏幕截图:

doc导出到excel 1的文件夹结构

4。 然后点击 OK 按钮,然后按 F5 运行此代码的关键 选择“文件夹” 弹出对话框,请选择要导出其文件夹结构的电子邮件帐户,请参见屏幕截图:

doc导出到excel 2的文件夹结构

5。 然后,单击 OK 按钮,一个 档案储存 显示窗口,请为此导出文件指定位置和文件名,请参见屏幕截图:

doc导出到excel 3的文件夹结构

6。 最后点击 保存 按钮,然后您可以转到已保存的特定excel工作簿以查看导出的文件夹结构,请参见屏幕截图:

doc导出到excel 4的文件夹结构



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Comments (14)
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I cannot access the toolbox to check Microsoft Excel Object Library option from the Available References list box,a
The toolbox icon is selected but greyed out

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You additionally need to select "Microsoft Outlook 16.0 Object Library" as a reference.
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thank you for your fast response. I think, i’ve now set all necessary options. But i can’t find the „Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins“
I would like to send some screenshots, but can't find how to on this page.
Best regards Erich Hackel
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Hello, Erich,
If you can't find the "Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins" option, please view the below screenshot:

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ich habe exakt den gleichen Fehler wie Jörg. Ich habe Office Professional Plus 2021 in Deutsch installiert.
Punkt 3 finde ich unter Extras - Verweise. Auch bei mir war die "MS Excel 16.0 Object Library" bereits aktiviert, zusätzlich auch noch "Visual Basic For Applications", "MS Office 16.0 Object Library" und "OLE Automation".
Beim Ausführen ebenfalls der "Fehler beim Kompilieren", der Hilfe-Button verrät dann noch "Der Administrator Ihrer Organisation hat den für die Verwendung dieser Funktion erforderlichen Dienst deaktiviert."
Aber welcher ist das und wo / wie kann man ihn aktivieren???
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Hello, Erich
May be you should enable all macros setting, please do as this:
In your Outlook, please click File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings, and then check Enable all macros and Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins options.

After finishing this setting, please restart the Outlook.

Please try, thank you!
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I'm using Outlook from MS Office 2019 Pro plus 64bit in German always latest version. How can I send a picture?
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May be you should enable all macros setting, please do as this:
In your Outlook, please click File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings, and then check Enable all macros and Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins options.

After finishing this setting, please restart the Outlook.

Please try, thank you!
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Hi, it looks like my answer wasn't send. I tested the script again. Same error message. I do not miss step3. That topic was/is already active. I disabled and later enabled it again. Same result. It always stops at line 40. Any idea?
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Hello, Jörg Normann

The code works well in my Outlook, which Outlook version you used? Or you can upload the error screenshot here.
Thank you!
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Hello, I did it the way as described. Step 3 (MS Excel 16.0 Object Library) was allready active. I disabled and lated enabled it again. When I click F5 there is no question for a folder to store. I get an error message: Error in line 40: "Fehler beim Kompilieren: Benutzerdefinierter Typ nicht definiert".
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Hallo, bei mir führt der Code beim Ausführen zu einem Fehler in Zeile 40 "Fehler beim Kompilieren: Benutzerdefinierter Typ nicht definiert". Und anders als in der Beschreibung wir bei mir in Punkt 4. weder nach dem Ordner noch nach dem Mail-Konto gefragt.
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Hello, Jörg.N
If you get the error prompt message, please check if you missed the step3 in this article.
You should follow the steps in the article step by step, if there is still problem, please comment here.
Thank you!
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This code is great and works great, thank you.
What would maker even extra great would be if it could show the sizes (in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, petabytes, whatever) and even possibly the item count for each folder.
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