

您可能熟悉Outlook中的自定义文本/公式/数字字段,但是您知道如何添加自定义下拉列表吗? 本文将指导您在任务窗口中添加一个下拉列表。




1。 在 任务 查看,请点击 主页 > 新任务 创建一个新任务。

2。 在打开的“任务”窗口中,请单击 开发商 > 设计此表格。 (备注:点击了解 如何添加 开发人员 Outlook中功能区上的“选项卡”.)

3。 继续点击 (P.2) 标签,然后单击 开发商 > 控制工具箱。 看截图:

4。 现在工具箱正在打开。 请拖动 组合框 并将其放在 (P.2) 标签。 看截图:

5。 右键单击插入的ComboBox,然后选择 查看房源 从上下文菜单中。 看截图:

6。 现在,出现“属性”对话框。 请去 选项卡,然后单击 全新 按钮。 看截图:

7。 在打开的“新列”对话框中,命名新列,指定 文本 从两个 Type格式 下拉列表,然后单击 OK 按钮。 看截图:

8。 现在返回“属性”对话框,请在 可能的值 框,然后单击 OK 按钮。
备注:请用分号分隔下拉值 ;,如 A; AA; AAA; AAAA; AAAAA。 看截图:

9。 点击 开发商 > 运行此表格 以正常视图显示任务窗口,然后单击 任务 > P.2,然后您将获得自定义下拉字段。 看截图:

备注:如果您需要保存自定义下拉字段以供将来重复使用, (1) 在“无标题–任务(设计)”窗口中,单击 开发商 > 发布 > 发布表格; (2) 在“将表单发布为”对话框中,指定目标文件夹,命名表单,然后单击 发布 按钮如下图所示:

要重用自定义下拉字段,请转到Outlook的主界面,单击 开发商 > 选择表单 打开“选择表单”对话框,然后选择并使用“自定义”下拉字段打开表单。



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Comments (9)
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Hi Team, thank you so much for this!Is it possible, to show this custom drop-down-menue in the task-list next to the task?Just like the different status-options, but as a custom drop-down, to change options right in the task-list?I haven't found an answer for this, yet.Thank you for your help!

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You used "Filed" several times. Don't you mean "Field" ?;
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J'ai une question en lien direct avec votre article suivant :Comment ajouter une liste déroulante avec un fichier personnalisé dans la fenêtre des tâches Outlook? (extendoffice.com)

Comment faire pour que ce formulaire s'applique à toutes les tâches ?
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Dear all,Lets assume i want to use this to implement the usual Eisenhower/ Priority matrix funktionality (Important/Urgent, Important/Not Urgent... etc) and add 4 Categories ....
Than i can use this new form for all new tasts by changing it in the properties of my tasks folder.....
but how do i add it so that i can sort my tasts based on these new categories? There is no way to bring this up in the priority list outlook it seems?
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Hi Florian,
In your case, I guess you can create new categories directly as follows:
(1) In the main Outlook interface, click Home > Categorize > All Categories;
(2) In the Color Categories dialog, click New to add new categories. (see attached screenshot)

After adding the new categories, you can add them to your tasks.
Then show your task folder in Detailed view (by clicking View > Change View > Detailed), and click the column name “CATEGOREIS” to sort tasks by categories.
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I realize this is an old post, but hoping someone still monitors...
How do I add a combobox (similar to above) but have it populate using a script I wrote in Script Editor, which pulls data from an Excel workbook?
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Hi Joe,
Below steps may solve your problem.
1. Create a new email, and press Alt + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window.
2. Click Insert > UserForm.
3. Drag the Combobox to the new form, right click the new combobox, and select View Code from the context menu. (See below screenshot)
4. Paste the script code into the new window.
5. Save or sent the email as you need.
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I develop in VBA and am familiar with coding forms in that manner. My question was regarding the Outlook forms, not VBA forms, that use VBScript. I cannot seem to get any of the VBScript code to work (to tap unbound controls). I use Office 2016; I checked what I believe to be every security setting, but none seem to effect the script code.
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Custom field on Task Form (p.2) disappears when task is assigned. No solution yet.
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