

在Outlook中创建和应用电子邮件模板很容易。 但是,似乎无法将自定义电子邮件模板设置为默认模板。 但是,在本文中,我将以a回的方式介绍一个技巧,以更改Outlook中的默认电子邮件模板。




1。 在 邮箱: 查看,点击 主页 > 新邮件 创建一个新的电子邮件。 撰写新电子邮件,然后单击 文件 > 另存为.

2。 在打开的另存为对话框中,请执行以下操作: (1) 打开信纸文件夹并粘贴以下地址 %appdata%\ microsoft \ stationery 进入 地址 框,然后按 输入 键; (2) 在中输入新信纸的名称。 文件名 框; (3) 选择 HTML 来自 保存类型 下拉列表; (4) 点击 保存 按钮。

到目前为止,您已经在Outlook中创建了自定义信纸。 请关闭新电子邮件。

3。 点击 文件 > 附加选项 打开“ Outlook选项”对话框。

4。 在“ Outlook选项”对话框中,单击“ 邮箱: 在左栏中,然后单击 文具和字体 按钮下 撰写信息s部分。 看截图:

5。 现在,出现“签名和文具”对话框,请单击 主题 按钮。 看截图:

6。 在弹出的主题或信纸对话框中,单击以选择要创建的新信纸。 选择一个主题 列表框,然后单击 OK 按钮依次关闭所有对话框。

从现在开始,当您单击 主页 > 新邮件 要在Outlook中创建新电子邮件,指定的信纸将自动应用于新电子邮件。


随着 在阅读,撰写和回复窗口中启用自动缩放(百分比) Kutools for Outlook 的选项,您可以一键快速更改所有消息阅读窗口、撰写消息窗口和回复/转发消息窗口的默认缩放杆!




Kutools for Outlook - 超过 100 种强大功能可增强您的 Outlook

🤖 人工智能邮件助手: 具有人工智能魔力的即时专业电子邮件——一键天才回复、完美语气、多语言掌握。轻松改变电子邮件! ...

📧 电子邮件自动化: 外出(适用于 POP 和 IMAP)  /  安排发送电子邮件  /  发送电子邮件时按规则自动抄送/密件抄送  /  自动转发(高级规则)   /  自动添加问候语   /  自动将多收件人电子邮件拆分为单独的消息 ...

📨 电子邮件管理: 轻松回忆电子邮件  /  按主题和其他人阻止诈骗电子邮件  /  删除重复的电子邮件  /  高级搜索  /  合并文件夹 ...

📁 附件专业版批量保存  /  批量分离  /  批量压缩  /  自动保存   /  自动分离  /  自动压缩 ...

🌟 界面魔法: 😊更多又漂亮又酷的表情符号   /  使用选项卡式视图提高 Outlook 工作效率  /  最小化 Outlook 而不是关闭 ...

👍 一键奇迹: 使用传入附件回复全部  /   反网络钓鱼电子邮件  /  🕘显示发件人的时区 ...

👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 通讯录和日历: 从选定的电子邮件中批量添加联系人  /  将联系人组拆分为各个组  /  删除生日提醒 ...

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Comments (23)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
This doesn't save or change the styles with the stationery so doesn't work for me. I altered the hyperlink style to have no underline and it reverts to default style when using this stationery.
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Grandma managed to fix it.. thank you Wow you can teach an old dog new tricks
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Shows a from with my email address now starting the email. shows the new signature but also the old signature all in the body of the email Cannot find information on microsoft that I understand how to remove the old signature. Thank you but I am too old for all this new technology. Will wait for someone younger to come and fix it...LOL
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Thank you. It worked!
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Thank you for the clear and accurate instructions on how to do this! I had looked at other posts addressing this issue and they were not clear nor accurate. Thanks Again!!!
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Thank you for the training.I works!
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Thanks this is great! Is there a way to make this work on "Reply / Reply All" emails?
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Hi Simon,By default, the replies and forwards will inherit the theme of original emails. However, if we configure to attach the original email in the replies or forwards, the theme or stationery set for new emails will also be applied to the relies or forwards.
First of all, follow the steps introduced in this article to set the custom theme or stationery for the new email.
Then configure to attach original message when relying or forwarding a message.
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This is just what I was looking for. Amazing, thank you!
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Omg, thank you so much. You save me!!
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Is there a way for this to retain the contents of the subject on the subject line?

My "Subject: [subject content]" line appears in the body.
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How did you move the subject from mail content to the proper Subject bar ?
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