

为了突出显示Outlook中的项目,最常见的方法是使用颜色类别突出显示它。 Outlook日历中的约会也是如此。 本文将介绍在Outlook日历中使用彩色代码约会的两种方法。


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箭头蓝色右气泡 在Outlook日历中使用颜色代码指定一个约会


日历 查看,右键单击约会,您将使用颜色代码,选择 分类,然后在上下文菜单中根据需要选择颜色类别。 看截图:

如果您需要同时为约会添加多个颜色类别,请 (1) 右键单击约会, (2) 选择 分类 > 所有分类 从上下文菜单中; (3) 在“颜色类别”对话框中,根据需要检查多个颜色类别,然后单击 OK 按钮。 看截图:

箭头蓝色右气泡 在Outlook中使用条件格式对多个约会进行颜色编码


1.在 日历 视图,选择您将自动突出显示约会的日历,然后单击 查看 > 查看设置.

2.在打开的高级视图设置对话框中,请单击 条件格式 按钮。

(1)点击 地址 按钮;
(2)在 名字 框;
(3)从 颜色 下拉列表;
(4)点击 Condition 按钮。


在我的示例中,我将过滤条件设置为 主题包含指定的文本 test,请参见屏幕截图:

5。 点击 OK 按钮依次关闭所有对话框。

现在,所有符合指定过滤条件的约会都会自动以您选择的颜色突出显示。 看截图:



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Comments (8)
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Is there a way to change the color to one scheduled reoccurring meeting and not the entire series?
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Hi there,

As for as I know, you cannot change it for just one occurrence. What you can do is copying the occurrence and making it a single event: right click and drag the occurrence to a new time, then click Copy, and then drag it back. Now you can change its color.

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Hello! I am an Assistant for different Team members and I would like to set individual conditional formatting for each calendar. Is that possible and if yes, how? Right now it just applies the rules for all calendars.. Thanks
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Is there a way to use conditional formatting to identify meetings where one or more attendees has not accepted the meeting invite?
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As you might already know, we can use the conditional formatting option to show us when WE have accepted a meeting, why shouldn't we be able to code it the other way around? People who schedule a lot of meetings, like me, want to see at a glance those meetings that are good to go and those where people have not yet responded. Is it possible to write a script for this? Does anyone know? I need/want this capability.
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Hi Kat, have you managed to find a solution to this? It would be so helpful. Thanks
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Hi! I have the same problem too (two years later) did you find a way to overcome it? Thanks!
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Hi Jake,
I am afraid you can check the responses to your meeting invitation only by opening the specified meeting and clicking Meeting > Tracking > View Tracking Status.
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