

在Outlook中,您是否甚至从陌生发件人那里收到一些电子邮件,并且只在邮件列表中显示发件人的显示名称? 请参阅以下屏幕截图。 一些Outlook用户可能认为打开发件人的电子邮件之前获取发件人的电子邮件域会更安全。 在本文中,我将向您展示如何在Microsoft Outlook中的邮件列表中查看或显示发件人的电子邮件域。

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使用这些高级功能增强您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免费试用并提升您的电子邮件体验!

要在Microsoft Outlook的邮件列表中查看或显示发件人的电子邮件域,可以按照以下方法进行获取。


步骤2:点击 添加列 上的按钮 查看 标签。

备注:在Outlook 2007中,您可以单击 查看 > 当前视图 > 自定义当前视图,然后单击 字段 弹出“自定义视图:紧凑”对话框中的“按钮”。

第3步:在接下来的“显示列(或显示字段)”对话框中,单击 新的列 按钮(或 新场 按钮)。

步骤3:现在进入New Column(或New Field)对话框,并:

(1)在 名字 框,为此创建列输入新名称。

(2)点击 Type 框,然后选择 公式 从下拉列表中。

(3)点击 编辑 按钮,然后在 公式 对话框的框。 请参阅以下屏幕截图:

右([SearchFromEmail],len([SearchFromEmail])-InStr(1,[SearchFromEmail],“ @”))

(4)同时点击 OK 按钮关闭两个对话框。

步骤4:现在,您返回到“显示列(或显示字段)”对话框,在中选择新创建的列 依次显示这些列 框,然后将其移至下方 。 请参阅以下屏幕截图:

步骤5:点击 OK 纽扣)。

现在,您将查看每个发件人的电子邮件域已添加,并显示在发件人的显示名称下方。 请参见以下屏幕截图:

若要获取在Outlook中保存此自定义视图的方法,请单击 如何将视图设置保存并复制到Outlook中的其他文件夹?




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I receive emails from team members that are no longer with the company, and they are just aliases on my exchange account. When someone sends an email to one of the alias's it shows addressed to me unless i look at the header properties. Is there a way to get outlook to show who the original email address was sent to instead of me?
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Спасибо, а есть формула, чтобы в отправленных был виден адрес "кому отправлено"?
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Hi there,

You can first select the Sent box, and then do as instructed in the artcile, but use the code: right([To],len([To])-InStr(1,[To],"@"))
Note that if you have more than one recipients, it will show the domain of the first recipient and full address of other recipients.

If you want to show Cc and Bcc recipients as well, you can create two more columns by following the exact steps. Remember to change [To] in the code right([To],len([To])-InStr(1,[To],"@")) to corresponding code: [Cc] or [Bcc]

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К сожалению, формула вставляет только имя получателя, но не его e-mail
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Go to View > View settings > Columns
Click "new Columns"

Name : External
Type : FormulaFormula : IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail],"@")=0,"",Left([SearchFromEmail],InStr([SearchFromEmail],"@")-1)+"@"+Mid([SearchFromEmail],InStr([SearchFromEmail],"@")+1))

Click OK..Ok..

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I wish it would work for "SearchToEmail" as well. But this is only wishful thinking ...
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Great Solution - works 99% of the time.  Almost every email now shows the 'Name' of the sender and immediately below the name, it shows the domain as well. 
ISSUE: The initial suspicious email that triggered this concern still shows a blank line under the sender's name.  Thoughts?
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I agree with Matt. The string from themoonandthelily, "right(([SearchFromEmail],[SearchFromEmail]),InStr(1,[SearchFromEmail],"@"))", causes Outlook to crash, closing it immediately when selecting an email.

Too bad, because it was a very welcome addition.
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Why does SearchToEmail not work? All the solutions are for the From column only.
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I really loved this solution. However, my outlook keeps on crashing with the addition of this new column. I spent hours on with Microsoft tech support and they said to delete this column and that it seems to be an issue with Outlook. Really would love another solution to put senders address into the message preview. Disappointed that Microsoft support couldn't offer me any solutions to the crashing except for running Outlook in "cleanviews" :(
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Anyone can provide a formula edit which show sender's domain or e-mail address, BUT from headers of e-mail - from Received: field. That would be useful for determine if the e-mail is spoofed or it's real!
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Yes this is what I would prefer as well. Have you come across something like this yet?
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Muy bueno..Thanks :)
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