

添加一名作者 最后修改时间:2014-06-24

一些Outlook用户可能会注意到,当他们启动Outlook应用程序时,“收藏夹”文件夹将从导航窗格中消失。 这会导致如何还原或再次在导航窗格中显示“收藏夹”文件夹的问题。 本教程旨在帮助您解决这个问题。

在Outlook 2007中还原或显示收藏夹文件夹

在Outlook 2010和2013中还原或显示收藏夹文件夹

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箭头蓝色右气泡在Outlook 2007中还原或显示收藏夹文件夹

要在Outlook 2007中显示或还原“收藏夹”文件夹,请执行以下操作。

1.在Outlook 2007中,请单击 查看 > 导航窗格 > 喜爱的文件夹.

备注:请确保有一个 标记停留在“收藏夹文件夹”选项之前。

点击后 收藏夹文件夹,您会看到导航窗格中显示的“收藏夹”文件夹部分。 看截图:

箭头蓝色右气泡在Outlook 2010和2013中还原或显示收藏夹文件夹

在Outlook 2010中,可以显示“收藏夹”文件夹,如下所示。

1.请点击 查看 > 导航窗格 > 收藏。 看截图:

在Outlook 2013中,请单击 查看 > 文件夹窗格 > 收藏,请参见屏幕截图:

备注:请确保有一个 标记停留在“收藏夹”选项之前。

然后,“收藏夹”部分立即显示在导航窗格中。 但是在Outlook 2010中,您需要手动将所需的文件夹拖到“收藏夹”中。 看截图:


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Comments (16)
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Absolute ripper! A squillion thanks for the Ctrl + 1 short cut.
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
this happen to me also.
is there any solution to bring the favorite back?
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Is there any way by chance to keep the favorites when using folder pane view?
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Thank you so much for the quick short-cut keys. I'm using Office 365 and couldn't find the setting to get the Favorites folder to display. The CTRL+1 worked like a charm.
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Yes same for me, CTRL+1 POWAAAA !!
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Thank you So much Suzanne. This does the job.
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Many thanks. Your answer was straight to the point. I've been looking for a solution for over and hour. You, my dear, are a jewel. Searching is getting to be a chore, as too many sites come up that have nothing to do with the search. Blessings.
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Just a quick note on this. If Favorites is not an option in the drop down menu on the Navigation Pane, it probably means you are using the folder view. The Favorites will not show when in the folder view. CTRL+1 for Mail navigation and CTRL+6 for Folder List navigation.
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thanks, I still do not understand the meaning of folder view vs Mail navigation, but CTRL+1 worked .
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OMG! That was way too easy after spending about an hour scouring different sites for "Outlook 2010, add favorites folder" and no joy. I felt like I was typing in Cyrillic. Meci beauckets
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Genius!!! Thank-you.
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The real answer is always in the comments
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THANK YOU thank you thank you! There was no option to click on the Favorites folder in the View>Navigation pain and all I needed to do was hit Ctrl+1 and it worked. This has been driving me crazy. Thank you!
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I've been looking everywhere to find a solution to how my favorite's folder disappeared and everywhere I could find only select and deselect from navigation pane or folder pane etc.. this really helped. thank you very much indeed.
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But when I use CTRL+1 I can't see my folders. What should I do to view the folders and the favorites?
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