

您知道如何根据Excel中的特定单元格值创建QR码吗? 本文将向您详细介绍实现该方法的方法。



条形码控件可以帮助您基于Excel中的单元格值快速创建QR码。 请执行以下操作。

1.打开工作表,其中包含您要创建QR Code的单元格值。

2。 点击 开发商 > 插页 > 更多的控制。 看截图:

3.在 更多控件 窗口中,检查 Microsoft条码控制16.0 or Microsoft条码控制15.0.

4.如果在“更多控件”窗口中找不到条形码控件,或者条形码控件不是16.0或15.0,则需要通过单击以下链接下载条形码控件文件: 下载条码控制。 如果“更多控件”窗口中有“条形码控件16.0”或“ 15.0”,请跳到下面 步骤10.


5.关闭所有Excel工作簿,转到 Start 开始 部分,找到 Excel 应用并右键单击它,然后选择 以管理员身份运行“ 从上下文菜单中。 看截图:

6.在开幕 用户帐户控制 对话框中,单击 USB MIDI(XNUMX通道) 按钮。

7.然后创建一个新的工作簿。 请点击 开发商 > 插页 > 更多的控制。 看截图:

8.在 更多控件 窗口中,单击 注册自定义 按钮,找到并选择下载的二维码OCX文件之一,然后单击 可选 按钮。 看截图:

9。 点击 OK 按钮,当它返回 更多控件 窗口以完成条形码控制的更新。 然后重新打开工作簿,其中包含您要创建QR Code的单元格值。

10。 右键单击工作表标签,然后单击 查看代码 从上下文菜单中打开 Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序 窗口。 然后将下面的VAB代码复制并粘贴到“代码”窗口中。 最后按 其他 + Q 退出键 Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序 窗口。


Sub setQR()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2018/8/22
    Dim xSRg As Range
    Dim xRRg As Range
    Dim xObjOLE As OLEObject
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xSRg = Application.InputBox("Please select the cell you will create QR code based on", "Kutools for Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xSRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xRRg = Application.InputBox("Select a cell to place the QR code", "Kutools for Excel", , , , , , 8)
    If xRRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xObjOLE = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add("BARCODE.BarCodeCtrl.1")
    xObjOLE.Object.Style = 11
    xObjOLE.Object.Value = xSRg.Text
    ActiveSheet.Paste xRRg
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

11。 点击 开发商 > 插页 > 按钮(表单控件) 如下图所示。

12.在当前工作表中绘制一个按钮。 在弹出 分配宏 对话框中选择 设置二维码 在框中,然后单击 OK 按钮。

13.关闭 设计模式 通过点击 开发商 > 设计模式.

14.单击开始中的按钮 Kutools for Excel 对话框中,选择要创建QR Code的单元格,然后单击 OK.

15.在第二 Kutools for Excel 在对话框中,选择一个单元以放置QR码。 看截图:

然后,QR码将立即插入指定的单元格中。 重复步骤14到15,以完成所有创建的QR码。 看截图:


老实说,上述方法并不容易处理,因为它有其自身的局限性。 这里强烈推荐 插入二维码 的特点 Kutools for Excel. 此功能可帮助您根据 Excel 中指定的单元格值,只需单击几下即可快速批量插入二维码。 请按以下步骤完成。

申请前 Kutools for Excel首先下载并安装.

1. 首先,准备好要基于的值来创建 QR 码。

2。 点击 库工具 > 插页 > 插入二维码.

提示: 如果您找不到此路径的功能,请按 其他 + S 同时打开 搜索Kutools函数 框,手动输入 扫码支付 在搜索框中,然后您可以看到 插入二维码 功能已列出,只需单击即可激活该功能。 看截图:

现在,插入 QR 代码窗格显示在工作簿的右侧。

3.在 插入二维码 窗格,您需要配置如下。

3.1)在 数据范围 框,选择包含要基于创建二维码的值的单元格范围;
3.2)在 插入范围 框中,选择一系列空白单元格以输出二维码;
3.3)在 附加选项 部分,配置 尺寸、线条颜色、背景颜色纠错级别 根据需要获取二维码;
请注意: 二维码的大小不能超过 500 像素。
3.4)点击 产生 按钮。 看截图:

4.然后 Kutools for Excel 弹出对话框,单击 确定。

5. 然后同时创建二维码。 您需要手动关闭 插入二维码 如果完成创建所有 QR 码,则显示窗格。

点击 了解有关此功能的更多信息...



🤖 Kutools 人工智能助手:基于以下内容彻底改变数据分析: 智能执行   |  生成代码  |  创建自定义公式  |  分析数据并生成图表  |  调用 Kutools 函数...
热门特色: 查找、突出显示或识别重复项   |  删除空白行   |  合并列或单元格而不丢失数据   |   不使用公式进行四舍五入 ...
超级查询: 多条件VLookup    多值VLookup  |   跨多个工作表的 VLookup   |   模糊查询 ....
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特色功能: 网格焦点   |  设计图   |   大方程式酒吧    工作簿和工作表管理器   |  资源库 (自动文本)   |  日期选择器   |  合并工作表   |  加密/解密单元格    按列表发送电子邮件   |  超级筛选   |   特殊过滤器 (过滤粗体/斜体/删除线...)...
前 15 个工具集12 文本 工具 (添加文本, 删除字符,...)   |   50+ 图表 类型 (甘特图,...)   |   40+ 实用 公式 (根据生日计算年龄,...)   |   19 插入 工具 (插入二维码, 从路径插入图片,...)   |   12 转化 工具 (小写金额转大写, 货币兑换,...)   |   7 合并与拆分 工具 (高级组合行, 分裂细胞,...)   |   ... 和更多

使用 Kutools for Excel 增强您的 Excel 技能,体验前所未有的效率。 Kutools for Excel 提供了 300 多种高级功能来提高生产力并节省时间。  单击此处获取您最需要的功能...


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Comments (38)
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Is it possible to make a payment qr code in excel?
f.e. In cell A1 I've an amout of 10 euro, and in cell B2 I want to have an qr code so anyone can pay me with the qr code?

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Hi Ruben,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. While Kutools for Excel does feature QR code generation, creating a payment QR code directly in Excel for transactional purposes is beyond the scope of this feature. Payment QR codes usually require integration with financial services or payment platforms to ensure secure transactions. I recommend exploring services specifically designed for creating payment QR codes, such as those offered by banks or digital payment systems. These platforms can generate a QR code linked to your payment details securely. Once you have the payment QR code, you could then include it in your Excel document as an image.
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The download link provided in step 4 appears to be only Microsoft Barcode Control 14.0. Can anyone suggest a correct link for 16.0 please?

Thank you.
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1 Sheets waar in de cellen van de rij random QR codes binnen komen. Waarvan elke QR code automatisch de juiste Sheets openend?
Of de BVA commando codes van de Button om de koppeling maken naar een andere sheets.
Dan ben erg dankbaar voor.
(dit is voor vrijwilligerswerk)

H. van Schaijk
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Hi H. van Schaijk,
I can't fix this problem. Sorry about that.
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Hi folks,
Below code works fine with me, which is linked to cell range & generates the QR at each row cell 5000 nos, however I would like to stop the QR object generation if the reference cell value is zero / otherway round should generate the QR at adjucent cell if the value at reference cell is more than zero or <>""

Please seek experts assistance!!

thank you in advance

Sub Gen_StockOut_QR()
MsgBox ("Will Generate QR Code for Stock_Out Items at In@Out Sheet")
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=" "
'Column range set at QR_Code

For Each cell In Selection
'cell.Offset(0, 23).Select ' 1 indicates the position of excel column A1 from the formula/webaddress/site/characters to be used to generate QR code
cell.Offset(0, 0).Select

' My case QRCode is at column 24 hence 24 as column from A1, QR Size 100*100
FilePath = "http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=100x100&&cht=qr&chl=" & WorksheetFunction.EncodeURL(cell.Value) ' here is the cell value

With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(FilePath)
'.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 0.95, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
'.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 0.95, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft

End With
Next cell
End Sub
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Interesting article - thank you.  How do I remove the custom control from the list please?
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Hi,Do you mean to remove the Form Control inserted in the VBA code method? If so, you just need to right click it (when there is a context menu listed, click anywhere outside it to hide the context menu), and then press Delete to remove it.
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Olá! Para mim, nenhum dos comentários ou esse post funcionou corretamente, mas utilizando o Visual Basic com o código que deixarei abaixo funcionou, pois criou uma função para mim. E para usar a função é só abrir a planilha e digitar: "=QrCode("célula desejada")"

Function QrCode(codetext As String)
Dim URL As String, MyCell As Range
'Para gerar o código, precisa a máquina ter acesso a internet
Set MyCell = Application.Caller
URL = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=" & codetext
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Pictures("QR_" & MyCell.Address(False, False)).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
With Selection.ShapeRange(1)
.PictureFormat.CropLeft = 15
.PictureFormat.CropRight = 15
.PictureFormat.CropTop = 15
.PictureFormat.CropBottom = 15
.Name = "QR_" & MyCell.Address(False, False)
.Left = MyCell.Left + 2
.Top = MyCell.Top + 2
End With
QrCode = ""
End Function
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Wie lösche ich die QR Code Grafik wieder ? wenn ich mit den Skript Wie erstelle ich einen QR-Code basierend auf dem Zellenwert in Excel? einen QR Code erzeugt habe ?
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Hi All,

I modified the VBA code for creation a multi QR codes from selection in excel column

Follow until step 10 then add this code

Sub setQR()

Dim xSRg As Range
Dim xRRg As Range
Dim xObjOLE As OLEObject
On Error Resume Next
Dim srcSelection As Range
Dim srcCell As String
For Each srcSelection In Application.Selection
Dim qrCelltoupdate As String
Dim qrTxt As String
qrCelltoupdate = srcSelection.Offset(0, 1).Address
qrTxt = srcSelection.Text
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xObjOLE = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add("BARCODE.BarCodeCtrl.1")
xObjOLE.Object.Style = 11
xObjOLE.Object.Value = qrTxt
Next srcSelection
'Create Qr code from selection multi cells
End Sub

In step 12
Assign Macro
Chose: Sheet1.setQR

QR codes will be populated in next column

Hope that helps for you all
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Hi ChavdarHarchev.
First of all thank You very much for Your nice work.

Is it possible for You to show how the VBA code looks like when it is finished?
Best regards
Pierre Galuszka.
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Hi All,
I modified the VBA code for creation a multi QR codes from selection in excel column
Follow until step 10 then add this code
Sub setQR()

Dim xSRg As Range
Dim xRRg As Range
Dim xObjOLE As OLEObject
On Error Resume Next
Dim srcSelection As Range
Dim srcCell As String
For Each srcSelection In Application.Selection
Dim qrCelltoupdate As String
Dim qrTxt As String
qrCelltoupdate = srcSelection.Offset(0, 1).Address
qrTxt = srcSelection.Text
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xObjOLE = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add("BARCODE.BarCodeCtrl.1")
xObjOLE.Object.Style = 11
xObjOLE.Object.Value = qrTxt
Next srcSelection
'Create Qr code from selection multi cells
End Sub

In step 12 Assign Macro Chose: Sheet1.setQR
QR codes will be populated in next column
Hope that helps for you all
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I didn't have "Microsoft Barcode Control 16.0" so I down loaded per instruction. And open Excel with Admin mode. Then try to "Register Custom" . But I opened Barcode control folder and select MSBCODE964,OCX. Then there is error message came out. It said "The selected file does not contain self-registrating ActiveX control". What it means? What is the problem. And how can I install that?
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1)Click File > Options.

2)Click Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > ActiveX Settings.

Click the options below, and then click OK.
* Enable all controls without restrictions and without prompting (not recommended)
3)Click Ok
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