

如您所知,当您在Microsoft Outlook的“收件箱”中回复会议邀请时,会议邀请将被自动删除。 但是,有些用户甚至需要将会议邀请保存在收件箱中。 实际上,Microsoft Outlook支持在响应时将会议请求保留在原始邮件文件夹中。

阻止Outlook 2010/2013在响应时删除会议请求

阻止Outlook 2007在响应时删除会议请求

Office 选项卡 - 在 Microsoft Office 中启用选项卡式编辑和浏览,让工作变得轻而易举
Kutools for Outlook - 通过 100 多个高级功能增强 Outlook,实现卓越效率
使用这些高级功能增强您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免费试用并提升您的电子邮件体验!

箭头蓝色右气泡阻止Outlook 2010/2013在响应时删除会议请求

为防止Microsoft Outlook 2010和2013在响应后删除会议请求,请执行以下操作:

步骤1:点击 文件 > 附加选项.

步骤2:在“ Outlook选项”对话框中,单击 邮箱: 在左侧,然后取消选中 响应后从收件箱中删除会议请求和通知 ,在 发送信息 部分。 请参阅以下屏幕截图:

步骤3:点击 OK 按钮退出此对话框。

配置Outlook 2010或2013的选项后,响应后,会议请求不会从收件箱中删除。

箭头蓝色右气泡阻止Outlook 2007在响应时删除会议请求

为防止Outlook 2007在响应后删除会议请求,请执行以下操作:

步骤1:点击 工具 > 附加选项.

第2步:在出现的“选项”对话框中,单击 电子邮件选项 上的按钮 优先 标签。

步骤3:在弹出的“电子邮件选项”对话框中,单击 进阶电子邮件选项 按钮。

步骤4:现在,您将进入“高级电子邮件选项”对话框。 转到 发送信息时 部分,然后取消选中D的选项响应时从收件箱中删除会议请求。 请参阅以下屏幕截图:

步骤5:点击全部 OK 按钮关闭对话框。







Kutools for Outlook - 超过 100 种强大功能可增强您的 Outlook

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🌟 界面魔法: 😊更多又漂亮又酷的表情符号   /  使用选项卡式视图提高 Outlook 工作效率  /  最小化 Outlook 而不是关闭 ...

👍 一键奇迹: 使用传入附件回复全部  /   反网络钓鱼电子邮件  /  🕘显示发件人的时区 ...

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Comments (14)
Rated 3.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Thanks for this! The auto-delete of meeting emails is so flipping annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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How can I prevent Office 365 from deleting my RSVP email?
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Hi there,

As far as I know, there is no such setting in Office 365 😑.
If there is a solution one day, we will definitely post it on our website.

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Many many thanks.
Rated 3.5 out of 5
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its greyed out for me . i'm unable to check the box. anyone else running into this issue ?? Please advise.
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The help on microsoft's website was pathetic as usual but yours was excellent.
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How do you do it in Outlook for Mac?
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This option should not be active by default. After message is deleted, it is too late.
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It is still saved in the trash for a while
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And what if we RSVP on outlook mobile app? There's no setting on the app to prevent the invite from being deleted.
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yes, the same problem that solution is not working for me in office 365
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I am having the same issue as Steven Yarnell. I use Office 365 for work and often times along with the meeting request are valuable descriptions of what is being discussed as well as other relevant information. I currently have to manually move the meeting request e-mail from my deleted folder back into my inbox every time I confirm I am attending an event so that I can still easily access this information and not have it automatically deleted when I sign out. Please correct this issue. thank you
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