

如果您在Microsoft Outlook中删除未读电子邮件,则该邮件将被移至“已删除邮件”文件夹,并保持“未读”状态。 在某些情况下,出于运行规则或其他原因,Outlook用户可能希望将已删除的邮件标记为自动阅读。 在这里,我将介绍将已删除邮件标记为在Microsoft Outlook中已读的方法。



一键自动将已删除的项目标记为已读 好主意3


在Microsoft Outlook中,用户可以将整个邮件文件夹标记为易于读取,包括“已删除邮件”文件夹。

删除电子邮件后,选择 删除的项目 导航窗格中的文件夹,右键单击并选择 标记为已读 从右键单击菜单中。 请参阅以下屏幕截图:



步骤1:按下 其他 + F11 键一起打开Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications窗口。

步骤2:在左侧栏中展开Project 1,然后双击 本次展望会议 打开一个空白窗口。



Dim WithEvents g_OlkFolder As Outlook.Items
Private Sub Application_Quit()
Set g_OlkFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set g_OlkFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems).Items
End Sub
Private Sub g_OlkFolder_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
Item.UnRead = False
End Sub

步骤4:保存VBA宏,然后重新启动Microsoft Outlook。

请注意: 此VBA宏仅适用于Microsoft Outlook 2013,并且此VBA宏仅会将默认数据文件中已删除的项目标记为已读。



如果要在子文件夹中将已删除项目标记为已读,或者在删除项目时将其自动标记为已读,如何处理该作业? 在这里 将删除标记为已读 实用程序 Kutools for Outlook 可以帮个忙。

免费安装 Kutools for Outlook,然后执行以下步骤:

1。 点击 库工具 标签,然后根据需要选择一个选项 标记为已删除为已读 下拉列表。

启用标记已删除为已读标记: 当您激活此实用程序时,这些项目将在删除后自动标记为已读。

将已删除邮件标记为已读: 将“已删除邮件”文件夹中的所有项目标记为在Outlook中已读。


2.弹出对话框,提醒您应用该实用程序后操作已完成,只需单击 USB MIDI(XNUMX通道) 关闭它。


Kutools for Outlook - 超过 100 种强大功能可增强您的 Outlook

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Comments (21)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
wow, it's amazing, especially the VBA code. It works very well.
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
wow,太棒了!尤其是这个VBA code。
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Worked for outlook 2003 !
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Note that you will also need to tick the Apply macro security to installed add-ins option to make it work on Outlook 2016.
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Thanks for this - simple and effective.
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My question is simple: WHY?!

Who thought keeping deleted messages unread was good for the user?!
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I enabled Macros in the Trust Center and got it to work with Outlook 2016 as well. Thanks!
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Yes, worked this way for me too in Outlook 2016.
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
I had the same issue as DUSTIN, ZOXDK, and GORDON... the macro wasn't working. The issue was that I had to enable macros in the Trust Center settings: Click File --> Options --> Trust Center --> Trust Center Settings --> Macro Settings Select "Notifications for all macros" You'll get a small popup whenever you open Outlook to Enable or Disable macros. As long as you click Enable, you should be good. Alternatively, you could set your Trust Center settings to automatically allow all macros, but that could present security concerns so I think the approach above is a good compromise since you'll only need to click "Enable Macros" when you launch Outlook.
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Thanks! VBA code worked perfectly.
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