

作为Outlook用户,您可能出于某些目的在Outlook中创建了自定义表单。 创建自定义表单后,您知道如何删除它们吗? 对于许多Outlook用户而言,这可能是一个麻烦。 在本教程中,我们将为您提供在Outlook中删除自行创建的自定义表单的方法。

在Outlook 2010和2013中删除自己创建的自定义表单

在Outlook 2007中删除自己创建的自定义窗体

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箭头蓝色右气泡在Outlook 2010和2013中删除自己创建的自定义表单

在Outlook 2010和2013中,您可以按照以下步骤删除自己创建的自定义表单。

1.请点击 文件 > 附加选项.

2.在 Outlook选项 对话框,请单击 高级 在左侧栏中,然后转到 开发工具 部分,点击 自定义表单 按钮。 看截图:

3.然后点击 管理表格 按钮在 附加选项 对话框。

4.在 表格管理员 对话框,您需要:

1)。 点击 按钮选择发布自定义表单的位置。 在这种情况下,我选择个人表格。

2)。 然后在右侧框中选择要删除的自定义表单;

3)。 点击 删除 按钮。

4)。 单击后 删除 按钮,将会弹出一个对话框,如下图所示,请点击 USB MIDI(XNUMX通道) 按钮。

5。 点击 关闭 按钮关闭 表格管理员 对话框。

6.然后点击 OK 在以下对话框中单击“完成”按钮。

您可以看到创建的自定义表单已被删除 选择表单 对话框。 看截图:

箭头蓝色右气泡在Outlook 2007中删除自己创建的自定义窗体

如果您使用的是Outlook 2007,则可以按照以下步骤删除自己创建的自定义表单。

1.请点击 工具 > 附加选项。 看截图:

2.在 附加选项 对话框,转到 其他名称 标签,然后点击 高级选项 按钮在 总类 部分。 看截图:

3.在 高级选项 对话框中,单击 自定义表单 按钮。

4.现在 附加选项 弹出对话框,请按照 以上步骤 完成删除。


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Frank seems to have a solution for our problem but my outlook folders do not show up in :C or in the forms box. I'm using Windows 10 and Outlook 2016. The only thing that seems to work is to reboot the outlook profile completely which deletes a lot of my preset features. help!
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My issue is a little different--I think!. The forms (templates?) that are showing up in the "Choose Form" dialogue, they seem to be contained in various email sub-folders (but not all) that I have. When I go through those sub-folders, I don't see any form/template message there. Is there any way to clean these up? When I use the Form Manager, these forms/templates do not show up.
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Just reporting that I sorted the earlier issue with templates. I misunderstood Frank's instructions & on a second read was able to delete erroneous templates, so thank you to Frank.
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I too have the same issue as Debarah M,who asked, What if the forms are not in "Personal Forms" but in another folder - "User Templates in File System"? "Personal Forms" is the only option that shows up when I click on "Set" in the Forms Manager Dialog box and I can't change it to anything else? Re; Frank's answer below, I can't see any "C" drive in the dialogue box. Please advise, this is important to me. P.S. I am currently running Window Vista business.
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Thanks a lot! Very useful! I should never guess how to do it ;-)
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What if the forms are not in "Personal Forms" but in another folder - "User Templates in File System"? Personal Forms is the only option that shows up when I click on "Set" in the Forms Manager Dialog box and I can't change to anything else?
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Go to your C drive, on top right corner enter name of the template in the search. You'll likely see a few items come up with your template name but only one will say "outlook item template," highlight, right click and delete.
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Thanks! I used your instructions to clean up my personal forms library -- it will be nice not to have to scroll past all the obsolete forms to find the few I actually use!
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