

当您在Microsoft Outlook中添加新的电子邮件帐户时,如果您未配置为 将新邮件传递到现有Outlook数据文件.

新数据文件在导航窗格中显示为文件夹,其中包含“收件箱”,“已发送邮件”,“删除邮件”等子文件夹。 并且此帐户的所有传入电子邮件将保存在“收件箱”的此子文件夹中。 因此,您的Microsoft Outlook中可能有很多收件箱文件夹。






  • 在Outlook 2007中,请点击 工具 > 帐户设置.
  • 在Outlook 2010、2013及更高版本中,请单击 文件 > 资料包 > 帐户设置 > 帐户设置。 请参阅以下屏幕截图:

2:在“帐户设置”对话框中,选择并突出显示要在其上更改其收件箱文件夹的电子邮件帐户。 邮箱 标签。

3:点击 更改文件夹 按钮。 请参见上面的屏幕截图。

4:在“新建电子邮件传递位置”对话框中,从以下位置选择并突出显示一个文件夹: 选择一个文件夹: 框。

备注:您还可以通过点击 新建文件夹 按钮。

5:点击 OK 新建电子邮件传递位置对话框中的按钮,以及 关闭 帐户设置对话框中的按钮。



  1. 要将不同电子邮件帐户的多个收件箱文件夹合并为一个文件夹,请在更改其他电子邮件帐户的收件箱文件夹时在步骤4中选择同一文件夹。
  2. 此方法不适用于的电子邮件帐户类型 IMAP.


在这里我们介绍 合并收件箱 的特点 Kutools for Outlook 快速合并来自Outlook中不同帐户的收件箱文件夹。


1。 点击 Kutools 加 > 文件夹相关合并收件箱。 看截图:

2.在开幕 合并收件箱 对话框中,单击 地址 按钮。

3.在 请选择文件夹 对话框中,选中要合并的电子邮件帐户下的收件箱,或右键单击以选择 选择所有 从左侧的上下文菜单中 文件夹 框以同时检查所有收件箱,然后单击 OK 按钮。 看截图:

4.然后返回到 合并收件箱 对话框,其中列出了所有指定的收件箱,请继续执行以下操作:

  • 4.1选择保存合并收件箱的位置(此处选择 将合并的文件夹保存到目标文件夹 选项);
  • 4.2在 目标文件夹 部分,点击 按钮;
  • 4.3选择一个文件夹或创建一个新文件夹以保存合并的收件箱,然后单击 OK 按钮;
  • 4.4您可以合并所有收件箱中的所有项目,也可以指定要合并的项目的日期范围;
  • 4.5点击 OK 按钮。 看截图:

备注:以上设置仅会复制收件箱中的项目,如果您想从原始文件夹中移动项目而不是复制,请检查 移动项目而不是复制合并收件箱 窗口。

5.合并后, Kutools for Outlook 弹出对话框,请点击 OK 按钮。


  如果您想免费试用(30天)此实用程序, 请点击下载,然后按照上述步骤进行操作。


Kutools for Outlook - 超过 100 种强大功能可增强您的 Outlook

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Comments (11)
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This was the only thread that I found that seemed to help, but I have a slightly different problem. When I created the Outlook account on my new computer, I had a ton of trouble getting Outlook to find/read my .pst file. As a result, I now have two nearly identical sets of folders showing on Outlook. But only one is getting new mail. There is only one folder in documents/outlook/outlook.pst, so I can't figure out why Outlook seems to be reading two sets of this information. Is there any way to delete one?
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Outlook 2016 does not have a "Change Folder" button. Is there some other way to do it?
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Hello, This article is very helpful and useful (pictures, yay!). However, I don't see the folder that I want to designate as the main inbox when I follow these steps. Any suggestions? Thank you!
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On office 365 and Windows 10 there is no "Change Folder" button
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I was trying to separate my Outlook 2016 inboxes and could not find the "change folder" either. It turns out, it is there, but not on both accounts I had listed. I thought it wasn't there at all, but then I found it on one account only. Try clicking different accounts if you're having trouble. It's in the same place it shows in the tutorial.
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Using windows ten and office outlook 16 work exactly as in instructions
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Does not work with Outlook 2016. No change folder option comes up.
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[quote]Does not work with Outlook 2016. No change folder option comes up.By Al M[/quote] Folder option is present ONLY on POP3 accounts, not on IMAP nor on Exchange. This has perfectly sense if you consider that POP3 folders are local, while IMAP and Exchang folders are local copy of server ones ZZ
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Above article to combine multiple account into one inbox is good and has worked. How do I now delete the default folders of the accounts i.e Drafts, RSS, Deleted items etc
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Forward now bexause its too short
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I just got a new Windows 8 machine. When I install Outlook 2010 the Change Folders button doesn't show up when I add or edit multiple email accounts. Can you help me?
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