

假设您有一个大数字列表,现在,您想要将它们格式化为数千,数百万或数十亿,以使它们看起来简洁明了,如下面的屏幕截图所示。 本文,我将讨论如何在Excel中快速格式化成千上万的数字。


在Excel中,您可以使用 单元格格式 解决此任务的功能,请执行以下操作:

1。 选择要格式化的数字列表。

2。 然后右键单击,然后选择 单元格格式 从上下文菜单中,查看屏幕截图:

3。 在 单元格格式 对话框中的 联系电话 标签,选择 定制版 在左窗格中 Type 文本框,根据需要输入以下格式代码:

  • 格式化数字以千为单位: 0,“ K”
  • 格式化数字(百万): 0 ,,“ M”
  • 以十亿为单位的数字格式: 0 ,,“ B”

4。 然后点击 OK 关闭对话框,您的电话号码已格式化为数千,数百万或数十亿,如以下屏幕截图所示:

  • Tips:如果您要按以下所示的屏幕截图格式用逗号分隔成千或数百万,请使用以下格式: #,## 0,“ K” or #,## 0 ,,“ M” 单元格格式 对话框。


如果要根据特定数字以数千,数百万或数十亿的格式设置数字格式,而不仅仅是一种数字格式。 例如,如下图所示,将1,100,000显示为1.1M,将110,000显示为110.0K。

1。 选择包含要设置格式的数字的单元格,然后单击鼠标右键 单元格格式 选项从上下文菜单中。

2。 在 单元格格式 对话框中的 联系电话 标签,选择 定制版 在左窗格中 Type 文本框中,输入以下格式代码: [<999950]0.0,"K";[<999950000]0.0,,"M";0.0,,,"B",请参见屏幕截图:

3。 然后点击 OK 按钮,所有数字均已根据数字格式化为所需格式,请参见屏幕截图:

使用公式将缩写数字转换为普通的长数字(1K = 1000)



=IF(ISTEXT(A2),10^(LOOKUP(RIGHT(A2),{"B","K","M"}, {9,3,6}))*LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-1),A2)



  • 在Excel中将数字格式设置为序数(1st 2nd 3rd)
  • 在某些情况下,当我们按以下屏幕截图所示进行排名时,我们需要将数字格式设置为1st,2nd,3rd等。 但是,您知道如何在Excel中将这些基数格式化为序数吗? 通常,在Excel中没有将数字转换为1st的内置函数,但是,在这里,我可以介绍一些有关此问题的技巧。
  • 应用数据验证以强制Excel中的电话号码格式
  • 可能是,在Excel工作簿中键入时,可以使用多种电话号码格式。 但是,如何只允许在工作表的一栏中输入一种电话号码格式? 例如,我只希望允许将此格式为123-456-7890的电话号码输入工作表中。
  • 验证工作表列中的电子邮件地址
  • 众所周知,有效的电子邮件地址由三部分组成,即用户名,“ at符号”(@)和域。 有时,您只允许其他人在工作表的特定列中仅输入电子邮件地址格式的文本。 是否可以在Excel中完成此任务?


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特色功能: 网格焦点   |  设计图   |   大方程式酒吧    工作簿和工作表管理器   |  资源库 (自动文本)   |  日期选择器   |  合并工作表   |  加密/解密单元格    按列表发送电子邮件   |  超级筛选   |   特殊过滤器 (过滤粗体/斜体/删除线...)...
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Comments (21)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Could you please show me how to do formula with the negative number?
Ex: -2439.7 M => -2.44 B?
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Muchas Gracias por compartir este formato y fórmula, me sirvió muchísimo.
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Muito obrigado pela explicativa, uma dúvida...
nesta formula é possível manter valores menores como reais ?
quando tenho valores menores em minha planilha por exemplo R$ 835,00 ele traz abreviação de R$ 0,84 k.
existe como colocar um código dentro deste que você menciona mantendo valores menores em reais.
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Hello, Jef Gomes
To solve your problem, the below formula may do you a favor:
=SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(ROUND(A2/(1000^INT(LOG10(A2)/3)),2),"#.## ") & CHOOSE(INT(LOG10(A2)/3)+1,"","K","M","B","T"),". ","")
Please try, hope it can help you!
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madam/sir, i just want my data from rupees to thousand i.e 55050 and want this data in 55.05

could you please suggest?
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Hello, JK,
Maybe the following video can help you:
Please have a try, thank you!
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hola, ¿como puedo hacer que los negativos queden tambien con el formato, ejemplo un -752.000.000 deberia quedar como -752M y actualmente con este formato me queda -752.000k.

PD: muy bueno el post recomendado.
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This is so fucking ridiculously good. You have totally saved me today. God bless all of you, especially the person who wrote this document. Thank you so much, have a good day.
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Hello Alan,

Glad to help. You can format the cell to make the negative number turn red within parentheses. Please see the attached pictures.https://www.extendoffice.com/images/stories/comments/comment-zmt/negative_number_format_1.pnghttps://www.extendoffice.com/images/stories/comments/comment-zmt/negative_number_format_2.png

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Hola a mi me sirvió muchísimo el formato solo tengo una duda cuando es negativo el millón o lo miles como puedo condicionar para que se ponga en rojo ( aparezca el signo negativo o en su caso dentro de paréntesis)
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Using this formula =IF(ISTEXT(A2),10^(LOOKUP(RIGHT(A2),{"B","K","M"}, {9,3,6}))*LEFT(A2,LEN(A2)-1),A2). How to modify this formula if my data set has K, M, B, and without abbreviative numbers? It will appear #N/A for the value without abbreviative numbers.
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My data set has numbers in tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions. Using the method 2 formula reformats my numbers in tens and hundreds with abbreviation using “k.” For example, using the method 2 formula turns “135” into “0.1k” and “45” into “0.0k.” How does the method 2 formula need to be modified to keep “135” and “45?”
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Hello, Adam,
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:
=SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(ROUND(A2/(1000^INT(LOG10(A2)/3)),2),"#.## ") & CHOOSE(INT(LOG10(A2)/3)+1,"","K","M","B","T"),". ","")
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Save the day! Thank you so much!
Rated 5 out of 5
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What do you need to add to this formula to get number below 10,000 to reduce to one decimal place and numbers above 10,000 to reduce to no decimal place. For example 9.2k and 220k. The same goes for millions and billions for example number below 10million to 9.2m or 10billion to 9.2b. Thanks
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